Chapter 3

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     Once I get home I unload Spartan and take him out to the barn. It's getting dark, so I put him in his stall. I give him fresh water, hay, and grain before going to the house. I don't bother putting the blanket or anything on him since it's hot outside.
     I go to my room without speaking a word to neither my mom or dad. I almost feel bad for it. I shut my door behind me and go sit in the chair at my desk. The chair is black and cushioned, and it has wheels to roll around. I start my laptop, waiting for it to turn on. As I wait for it to boot I plug my phone into he outlet to charge.
     After the computer starts I go to the associations page to see who qualified. I scroll through the names. Me, Ashley, Jasmine, Abby, and a few other people who I don't recognize. The other people are Truth Cantrell, Taylor Hallaway, Hailee Sonnefelt, Skye Summers, Emma Baker, and Jaiden Matt. Maybe I'll get to meet them at he next rodeo. Maybe we'll be friends. I'm thankful I qualified, but I'm still mad at myself for letting Ashley beat me. I look at the times on the screen. I came third. Ashley and Skye Summers beat me. I groan and shut my laptop, putting it back in my drawer.
     I sit in the chair at my desk for awhile before going and taking a shower. I get dressed in sweatpants with a plain white tshirt and leave my hair down in messy dirty blonde waves. I go downstairs to the kitchen and eat a banana then head back upstairs. I still don't talk to my parents.
     I brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess so I drag the brush through it. It takes me a minute before getting all the tangles out, and it remains wavy but I don't mind the look. I sigh and go to my room. Above my bed ribbons are hung, mainly first place. About that is a shelf of trophies. On one wall I have a window and a shelf of Breyer model horses. Also on that wall their is a bible verse hung. "She is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future. - Proverbs 31:25." It's my favorite verse. It's painted in pink letters with a teal background. 
     On the other side of the room is my dressed which has a painting of Spartan and a picture of us barrel racing hung on the wall by it. On the wall that has the door to the bathroom also has the door to my walk-in closet. My bathroom and closet are around the same size.
     I walk to my bed, pulling the blanket back. I pick up my bible that sits on my nightstand and read a few verses, as I do every night. After finishing I put it back on the nightstand and then out the lights, getting into bed. I close my eyes and quickly drift to sleep after a long day it feels good to rest.
     I wake up and swing my legs over he bed. I rub my eyes as the morning light shines through my window. I look at the clock that sits on my dresser. 7:02 am. I have a little while to get my morning hourly ride in and feed before having to come in and get ready for church at 9:30. We have to leave at 10:00.
     I quickly pull on a pair of blue jeans with a tshirt and thin black jacket. I go to the bathroom and pull my hair up into a messy bun, not caring what it looks like at the time. I brush my teeth and then go and put my socks and boots on. I look at my phone once before reading. I have several notifications but I don't read through them right now, I have to hurry if I want to get my ride in this morning.
     My mom and dad are still in their bedroom when I go downstairs. I don't get breakfast, I just go outside. Spartan puts his head over the stall gate and whinnies, knowing I'm coming for our morning ride. I smile at the sound of his joyful whinny, it makes me happy.
     I grab the bright red tie halter from his hook and get in the stall with him. I get a carrot that I took from the kitchen and offer it to him. He takes it with pleasure as I slip the halter on him. Man, I love this horse. My parents will come out in an hot and tell me I need to put Spartan up and come in to get ready.
     I lead him out of his stall and to the tack room of the barn. I tie him to cross ties then go into the smaller room to get my tack. I get my professionals choice saddle pad and take it out and put it on him. He stands perfectly still, waiting for the saddle. I ride my other barrel saddle, the one I practice in. I use two different saddles for shows and practice since I have two. I take the saddle out and put it on his back, having the stirrup up out of habit.
     I strap the black jeweled breast collar on his chest and snap it to the girth underneath. I tighten the girth and back cinch then clip them together underneath. I let the stirrup down hen go and get my bridle. I hang it on the horn then put his sport and bell boots on.
     After I finish tacking up I untie Spartan and lead him out to the arena. I change the halter for the bridle and hang the halter on the gait. I lead Spartan in and shut the gait. I let him stand there since he can't go very far as I set up the barrels in the cloverleaf pattern.
I return the the gelding and I put my foot into the stirrup, loping in a few small circles to get him warmed up. I put my hand on his neck to feel that it is warm, and now we can practice. I take him to the start f the barrels and walk around the pattern, circling each barrel three times. I can tell Spartan has much more in him, and he wants to go.
     I take him to the edge of the arena before letting him walk back to the start. He pranced around a bit as I turn him a small circle to get him into the right lead. This time I trot the pattern, only circling each barrel twice. I slow him down to a walk after he turns third and take him to be panel once again, walking him back to the start.
     I once again turn him in a small circle to get into the right lead and I let him lope, circling each barrel once. After I make this run I'll put him up and muck out his stall. At the end I once again pull him back to a walk and take him to the panel, walking him back.
     "Good practice, good boy," I whisper to the equine. I walk him to the gate and dismount him, rubbing his forehead softly with my hand. I take the bridle off and hang it on the saddle horn, replacing it with the halter. I listen the saddle then walk him back to the barn, where I untack him.
      My parents come out and yell for me to come in soon, but I was about ready to come in anyway. I lead Spartan out to the paddock next to the barn, turning him out into the paddock with fresh green grass. He runs to the other end of the arena then begins eating the grass. I take the halter to the gate and hang it on the hook on the gate, then walk back inside.
     I get inside and grab a quick snack, eating it on my way upstairs. I take a fast shower before brushing my teeth and drying my hair. I put on a white lace dress that has a white under layer as well so it's not see through. It has a brown belt to it that goes around my waist. I look in the mirror at the dress, which is the only part of me that is ready.
      I smile at my reflection, the dress fits my slim body perfectly. I slip on my nice pair of boots that are plain leather but have chevron print in the leather. The boots are clean and polished, as I take good care of them. I straighten my wavy dirty blonde hair and put a necklace that has a cross lined with diamonds on it.
     I start to look more ready as I look in the mirror for the second time. The outfit goes well together in my opinion. I put on a light colored eye shadow, but it's barely noticeable. I put on a small amount of mascara and blush as well. I've been told I don't need makeup at al, but I do not listen to them.
     I smile in the mirror as if someone is taking a picture of me as I look at myself. After I'm content with my look, I grab my bible and go downstairs. I wait for my parents, not rushing them.
Not long after me they come out, ready to go. We head to the truck and all get in, I'm the only one who gets in the back.
It's around a ten minute drive, and we talk about random things as my dad drives toward the church we attend. It's a small local church, but I like it. After my dad pulls in we get out, my boots getting dusty from the ground outside of the building.
I smile as I walk through the door that the preacher holds open for my family. Yet another reason I like this church, the people are nice.
I see Jasmine sitting on the third row back from the alter where the preacher will be. Without needing consent from my parents, I go to her and sit by her. I sit on the edge, with her next to me. We talk until the preacher comes to the front to speak.
We had a long hour of the preacher speaking and praying. It was a nice service though. He talked about how we should respect our parents and one another, and overall I just really liked it. I beg my parents to let Jasmine come over for awhile so we can ride, and finally both of our parents agree.
The ride home seems to fly by as me and Jasmine talk the whole way back to my house. When we get out I see our white truck has gotten dusty, kind of like how my boots did.
I let Jasmine borrow some boots, jeans, and a tshirt. Fortunately she wears the same size as me, which I am thankful for. I dress in my normal cowboy boots with light colored blue jeans, and my belt with buckle that I always wear. I also wore a white tshirt that said 'Horse Camp 2016' that I got the year before at camp where we practiced riding events and bonding skills with our horses, it was really fun.
     We go downstairs past my mom and dad. Her parents are bringing her mare to my house so we can go on a trail ride. I go get Spartan from the field, he comes to me when I whistle. I go groom the horse as I wait for Jasmine's parents with Sugar. I braid his mane and tail then finally tack him up, leaving the saddle loose and bridle on the saddle.
     About three minutes after I finish tacking up Spartan Jasmine's parents come with their hors trailer. The blood bay mare puts her head out of the window and whinnied when she sees Spartan.
     It doesn't take long for Jasmine to tack up the mare after unloading her. Her parents leave after she is completely done.
     We get on our horses and go down a trail behind my my barn. We rode for a few minutes in silence before finally Jasmine spoke.
     "I told Caleb he could meet us at the river. He said he was going to," Jasmine told me, her facial expression showed she didn't know how I'd react to what she said.
     "What?" I ask in a loud voice. My cheeks turned a bright pink and they got warm. I looked down, knowing it was happening. I found Caleb  attractive, and no one knew about it yet. A part of me just wanted to be with him, but I doubted it would ever happen.
     "You know what I said," Jasmine told me. "Looks like someone has a crush of her guy friend," my best friend teased me. She giggled and gazed over at me.
     "Shut up!" I exclaimed, knowing her words were true. I still look down, running my fingers through Spartan's dark mane.
     The rest of the ride to the river is rode in silence. It wasn't awkward, we were both just enjoying the scenery and riding. The soft breeze felt good on the warm summer day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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