The grand chariot show

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As the music starts the great big metal doors open, swinging lights from the arena in through hitting my eyes causing me to squint.

My heart speeds up even more then it did when we first go it. Screams and cheeringing are heared from the crowd making me nervous and shake.

The door fully open and the first chariot starts rolling into the show.

The roaring of the crowd get louder and louder. My hands start to tremble as the district 2 chariot weels itself out.

I gulp in fright. I'm next, what if they don't like me I won't get sponsers?.

I didn't realise I was breathing that loud until Harry placed his hand ontop of mine in the edge of the chariot.

"Calm down, you'll be fine trust me" his smile make me feel a whole lot better and I relax.

The chariot lunges forward making me yelp in surprise. I grip tighter into the edge as my eyes are ingolft with light and screaming people waving thier arms around throughing hats and roses into the runway. Harry's grip in my hand tightens and shakes ontop of mine.

I look up at him to see he is wide eyed and clutching into my hand and chariot for dear life.

"Harry, don't worry. Like you told me you'll be fine" I try to stop shaking myself.

He looks down at me and smiles, I gladly retern it. We get about mid way when all of a sudden I feel warm muscular arms wrap around my waist and pull me to the front. I look around to see Harry stood behind me smiling at the crowd one arm around me and the other waving at the crowed causing it to scream widely. I'm guessing the liked it?

I bring my arm up and wave to gaining the loudest roars and cheers than the other chariots making me feel special.

The chariot comes to a halt and we are joined by the other chariots and wait for the crowd to calm down and become quite. The crowd contain their screams as they see lord snow appear from the look over stand. He looks down at us not cracking a smile and boom the mic and lifts his hands.

"Welcome tributes to the 104th annial Hunger Games, as you may have heared you are expected to fight to the death against others and your own district. But, the rules have changed this year. You must wait until you have killed the other districts to kill them. You must work as a team and fight until there is no one else but your partner. You will be trained for 12 hours a day by a trainer Efrain janek. Welcome once again and congratulations for being picked" his speech ends there as he walks off again and not to be seen again.

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