Bad Dreams

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Harry's POV.

"Stop" I yell, running over to where a member of district 7 was slicing his knife into her chest.

Pained squeels escaped her lips and she lay helplessly on the floor whilst he was stabbing her in the arms and legs and maybe soon her chest.

"Please let her go!!" I scream once again, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I try running but i can't.

The harder I try the slower I go.

When i finally start to move he moves away from her body.

She wimpers as he turns and smirks at me.

"What can I say? I want her to die painfully" he laughed evily.

I run over to her body, leaving the boy to escape from me because right now she was my main thought.

I rush ovr falling down to my knees, taking in her small frail body laying in a pool of her own blood.

Crying, I pick her up into my arms.

"Shh you're going to be okay.." That doesn't sound possitive though and she knows it.

"Ha-Harry....Its...Cold" She cries looking up at me.

"Don't worry, it'll go soon." I whisper wiping away her tears and blood staines on her cheeks.

"Let go Harry" She whispers.

"No, No, NO! YOU PROMISED ME WE WOULD DO THIS TOGETHER!!" I scream at he, tear drops falling on her forehead.

"Promises are made to be broken..." she trails of closing her eyes.

"N-N-No...No NO FAYE WAKE UP PLEASE!!!" I cry shaking her now lifeless body.

"Please wake up please!" I sob into her chest.

"HARRY!!" I jolt up breathlessly, eyes closed tight.

I slowly open my eyes and take in where I am.

Phew...It's not yet. We're still safe..for now anyway.

I turn back around to be faced with the girl who was slautered in my dreams with worried eyes.

"Harry, you we'r- are crying" she whispers looking at me.

I didnt even relise i had tears on my face until i raised my hand up to feel my cheeks.

Yep, I was crying also, my hair is plasterd to my forehead from the sweat.

"Umm yeah, j-just a bad dream s'all" I shrug. still trying to calm my breathing down.

She stayes silent for a moment before sighing heavly.

"Why were you screaming my name?" She asks softly.

"I uh-" she cuts me off.

"You were crying...Telling me to wake up...Did- Did i die?" she stutters.

"Uh..." i rub the back of my neck.

She looks at me, her eyes sofend.

"Yeah uhh you did..." i dont want to remember it. What if it does happen?

"Want to talk about it?" she lifts my chin up to look at her and i nod.

She sits oppisite me legs crossed.

"Well you were getting uhh..yeah and i couldnt run no matter how hard i tried i couldn't move and i scream to let you go...and i did but...he was there...and then walked away after, and you were in a pool of blood and..." I lost it. I broke down right there.

"Shh Harry, Im here now?" She hushes hugging me tight.

I hug her waist tightly head in her stomach.

"What if i can't protect you though?" I sob as she rubs my hair soothing me.

"Ohh Harry, please dont worry You'll do fine out there and i dont need you to pretect me we will kick ass!" she tries to lighten the mood with a little chuckle.

I just laugh along with her.

We stay like this for about another half hour. My head in her stomach and arms wrapped around her whilst she runs her fingers through my brown curls.

"Go back to sleep Harry and we will talk about it in the morning" she whispers.

"Mhmm" i humm as she lays my head on the pillow.

"Night Haz" she coos kissing my forehead before she lays down next to me.

"Mhmm Faye?" i croak tierdly.

"Yeah?" she answers.

"Shouldnt i be the one doing all this for you?" i laugh.

"Nothing wrong with a girl doing it"

I just smile once again and hug her tight to my chest.

I fall asleep with the sound of her breathing



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