Chapter 21

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Katrina's POV

We arrived at Nash's house and started setting up. Taylor and cam came back from the store with alcohol. me Lisa and Erika got out snacks and put away anything valuable. after everything was done it was like 6:00.

And people started coming in around 6:30. There was like 1000 people here by time 7:00 came then the O2L crew came and they introduced themselves to me and Matt. I felt like I was going to pass out.

When Sam shook my hand. we all grabbed drinks and headed to the living room. we all sat down ,carter was on my left and Sam was on my right. I drank like 4 beers and I was feeling a little unsteady. after getting to know every one we headed to the dance floor.

We danced for quit a while. carter grinding in the front Sam grinding in the Back. then I looked at the stair case and I saw Matt.E take this tan skinned brown haired girl up stairs I smiled and looked at the bottom of the stair case. and there was that person all dressed in black.

I stopped dancing and carter stops and Sam stops. Carter gets in my face and asks "what's wrong?" I sit with a blank stare. Sam comes up aside me.

"Th-tha-that's who tried to take me!" I said studering. carter and Sam looked at the person and paused. carter walked over to JC and whispered something in his ear. JC came over to me and grabbed my hand. I looked to the spot were I saw the person and the person wasn't there.

I feel like I can't breathe this can't happen to me again. carter, Sam, cameron, and Taylor went searching for the person. JC put on a fake smile and brought me into a bedroom and we sat down on the bed.

"What's going on?" JC asked. I told him every thing from the beach till today. "well do you even know why this person is so interested in you?" JC asked. "no but I would love to know." I said. I sighed and sat back on the bed.

JC sat up next to me and kissed my cheek. he smiled and said it will get better they will find the person. I smiled and said "thanks" then I kissed his cheek.

We were in that room for at least an hour. "okay can we get out of here now ?" I asked JC

"Um I don't know? they would have came and got us if it was safe to go out there." JC said.

I got up and took his hand and stood up and I dragged him out of the room I passed by the front door and someone grabbed me.

I screamed as they pulled me outside. JC came over and got in front of the person and grabbed him.

the person quickly pulled out a gun and shot him in the side I screamed as the fire shot and JC fell to the ground.

The person let go of me a ran off as people fluttered around JC. Nash quickly called the cops.very soon there was sirens coming around the corner. And every one fled from Nash's house. an ambulance pulled in the drive way along with a cop car.

The cop took me away from JC. carter found me and hugged me he kissed me and I just wanted to fall asleep in his arms. then a cop interrupted. "excuse me can you answer a couple questions?" I nodded my head and we walked to the cop car.

I answered all his questions but I don't think I helped very much because I had no idea who It was what they looked like all I knew was that it was a guy.

Carter came over and held me in his arms. What does this person in black want from me? I asked in my head still in Carter's warmth. I don't get it what did I do to this person that makes them want to kill me, hurt me, or take me?

Hey thanks for reading sorry it's a little short and that I haven't been updating regularly I hope you enjoyed. ~Kat

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