Chapter 14

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STILL Deadlox's POV


*End of Flash Back* (who else forgot is was a flash back? Pshhhh, not me! Ok fine, yes I did...)

"And that's what happened." I said concluding my story.

"So that's why.... I think she does like you. If you ask me, I think you should ask her on a date. Then you can ask her if she likes you.... In fact..." Quentin said getting up from the chair, "I'm gonna do that myself..." He said walking into the house.

"Good luck with that." I said.

"You too." He replied. That quickly made me remember that it was what Terra said when she left. I really couldn't stop thinking about her. I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna ask her out on a date. But not make it to obvious that it's a date thought. I had the perfect plan.

Quentin's POV


I saw her still on the couch and walk up to her.

"Oh hey again." She said looking up with beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey, umm. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. We could watch the stars?" I asked nervously.

"Sounds great. But I uh..." She paused looking down, "I can't. I'm s-sorry. I....I...." She stopped and emediatly went up stairs. Her eyes red, from looking like she was about to cry.

'What did I do wrong? She probably didn't like me the way I thought, but even if she didn't, she would still say yes right?' I thought to myself in pain of being rejected. I didn't know what to do. I wanted her to be mine so bad, for the rest if the day I sat down thinking and wondering....what did I ever do to her?

Quorra's POV


I look down trying not to let him see me cry, "I'm s-sorry. I....I...." I couldn't hold back the tears any longer and went up the stairs to hide myself from being so stupid.

'How could I tell him I liked him, with another person waiting for the same answer?' I thought to myself. 'I honestly didn't want to be with...'him'. I wanted to be with Quentin. He's so cute and sweet, and he's really funny. But if I rejected 'him'....' I thought in nervousness, ' he could hurt me, and my friends....even worse.....He could hurt Quentin.' I thought as I felt a few tears stroke down my cheek. I went to my room and locked the door, thinking and wondering, 'How could I make this right?'

I decided to go back to him about 20 minutes later. I walk up to him and find him faced down into his palms.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"What's wrong?! WHATS WRONG!? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOUR THE ONE IM WORRIED ABOUT!" He yelled. I hope he didn't mean it in a rude way.

"I'm sorry, but you don't need to yell. I'm fine, but I just needed to tell you something." I said quietly.

He shook his head and apologized, "I didn't mean it in a rude way. I was just really worried about you, and I was also wondering why you were crying."

"That's what I need to tell you. There is another guy that asked me out, but it was more like a threat. He said that he'd be watching me if I told anyone. And I just can't hold it in anymore. I'm just so scared, I didn't know how to respond when you asked me. I need someone who I can trust, and who can keep me away from the guy." I said looking down.

"That's all I needed to hear. Don't worry....I'll protect you..." He whispered.

"Thank about that date tonight? What time?" I asked trying to change the subject.

My Opposite Gender? (A GenderBender, Team Crafted FanFic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now