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It's been a few months and I still couldn't get Skyler out of my mind.

Seto forgot everything like it never happened so easily.

And the guys.... I still don't understand why they would forget something like this. I mean.... I remember!

I've tried to stay with Dawn to get Skyler out of my mind, but it wasn't working...

I didn't know whether to break up with Dawn or not. It's just that, when ever I see her face, it reminds me of the word 'girlfriend' which reminds me of Skyler...

I just need to see her one more time...

Especially all the guys. I've never seen them that happy with a girl before.

I really need to get this off my chest some how.

I would ask Seto to give me a potion to forget it all, but.... I feel like I should keep the thought of Skyler in my head.

I don't know why the fact I can't forget Skyler.

I couldn't eat, sleep, or go anywhere for a few weeks before Ty got me out of my funk...

I might look happy to everyone, but I'm just really sad with out her being here with me...

I want to see her beautiful face again.

And yes, I would try to go back into the mirror. But the only way is if I were to wait 5 years from now....

I'd do anything to get my Skyler back...


My Opposite Gender? (A GenderBender, Team Crafted FanFic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now