Chapter 3: Miracles

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Chantelle's POV

The next morning, I went out to get stuff for my party tonight.

As I was leaving my apartment, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Chantelle." I looked over and saw Milan.

"Sup Looch?" I giggled.

"Not much you?" he asked.

"Nothing just having a surprise party for my friend, Emma." I said. "Speaking of that, she's a big fan of yours. Do you wanna come? Bergy's gonna be there. " I asked.

"Yeah! What time is it? I have practice at 2:30." he replied.

"Not until 6." I smiled. "But, could you be here about an hour early? That's what Jessica and I are asking. And, dress in Bruins stuff, it's kinda the theme." I said.

"Sure thing. See you there." Milan smiled and we went separate ways.

I went over to Jessica's and picked her up. We went to the store and got a lot of beer, soda, vodka, whiskey, Jack Daniels and a lot of that stuff. We also got snack food. I had party decorations at my place.

We left and decorated the apartment. We had music playing.

Two hours later, people started to arrive.

Bergeron brought Seguin and Marchand with him because they begged Jessica to let them come.

Jessica and I were already on our second beer each.

I went to get the door when I heard a knock at it. I looked through my peephole. It was Emma.

I turned down the music and yelled hide.

I unlocked the door and hid.

"It's open!" I yelled.

"Okay, why is it so dark in here?" she turned on the light and we all yelled "SURPRISE!!!!"

"Happy Birthday Emma!" I said to her.

"Thanks!" she said.

"Here! Have a beer!" Nick, Emma and I's best friend since oh hell, I don't remember. Kindergarten.

"Thanks." Emma smiled.

We all went back to partying.

About an hour later, someone yelled "DANCE BATTLE!!!!" and we all went along with it.

I went up against Seguin and beat his ass. He looked defeated. It was funny.

The next morning, I found myself and Milan in the bathroom, hung over. Bad.

I stayed there for a while then got enough strength to get up and check out the damage.

I made my way to the living room.

Thank goodness I had my phone on me because this moment was an Instagram/ Twitter moment.

@Chantelleluvslucic: @tylerseguin19 @BMarchy, what the hell did you two do last night? #partywithsomebruins

Then I posted it to Instagram:

@mrsmilanlucic: @seguinoffic @THEbradmarchand you two goons. #drunklastnight

I guess everyone else was sober enough to go home because, it was just Milan, Tyler, Brad and I left.

I cleaned up and started to make breakfast.

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