Chapter 6: Tyler Runs Away

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Chantelle's POV

June 1st, 2020

Milan's birthday was coming up and he said no party but, I really don't care. Bergy, Dougie and I decided to throw him a surprise party. Screw what my husband says. Hehe. I still cannot believe that I can call Milan Lucic my husband. After 5 years of marriage, I would have thought it would have sunk in by now but, it still hasn’t.

June 7th, 2020

“Surprise!!!!” we all yelled when Zdeno and Tuukka brought Milan in the house. I walked over to Milan. “Happy birthday babe.” I hugged him. “Thanks but, I thought  I told you no party.” he said. “I had to. Bergy, Dougie, Tyler and I all put it together….” I got cut off by Oreo barking. “You too boy.” I finished, leaning down, patting his head. Oreo whimpered. I saw Seguin walk over by Marchand. Oreo saw him too. “Oreo, go get him, boy.” I said. He panted and barked running towards Seguin. He kept jumping. “Happy birthday daddy!”  Tyler squealed jumping into Milan’s arms. “Thanks buddy.” Milan kissed Tyler’s forehead.

The party died down about 4 hours later. It was about 3:00 AM before any of us got to bed. I put Tyler to bed about 10:00 PM, he fell asleep with Oreo by his side.

August 7th, 2020

I didn’t know how to tell Milan about my secret but, I found a way. I dropped Tyler off at Marchand’s because Marchy wanted to spend the day with Tyler. I went home and pulled my car into the garage. I turned off the engine, and got out. I walked out and went to my room to change clothes because I was still in my pajamas. I changed clothes and walked downstairs. “Hey babe.” I said as Milan walked into the living room. “Hey. What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting down next to me. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but, I’m pregnant.”  I said. I was shaking, nervous about what Milan’s reaction would be. I thought he would freak out like ‘Oh my god! Why didn’t you tell me when you found out?’ kind of reaction but, it wasn’t. “Really? Congratulations babe!” he hugged me. “Thanks. I hope it’s a girl.” I said. “Me too. What would you name it if the baby was a girl?” he asked. “Victoria Lynn. I would call her Tori for short.” I said. “Ok what if it was another boy?” Milan asked, playing with my hair. “Carter James.” I said. Milan agreed that he liked the name. “How far along are you?” he asked noticing my baby bump. “About 6 months.” I said. “And I just found out two weeks ago.” I said. “Ahh. I gotcha.” he said. “We gotta tell Tyler.” he said. I nodded. He went and got Tyler since it was hard for me to go up and down steps. Luckily, our bedroom was on the main level. Milan came downstairs with Tyler. He sat him down on the couch. We told him about it. His reaction was funny. “Where is the baby?” he asked. “It’s right here.” I said pointing to my huge stomach. “How’d it get there?” he asked. “Oh my goodness.” I heard Milan chuckle. “Well, mommy? You gonna tell me?” Tyler asked. “Uhm, god put it there.” Milan said. “Oh. How do you get it out of you?” Tyler asked me. “I’m not going to tell you that.” I said. “Why not?” he asked. “You’re too young buddy.” I said. “Oh.” he replied.

“There he goes!!! Milan Lucic, on a breakaway…..shoots….scooooooreeeeeessss!!!!! He just rips it past Roberto Luongo.” the announcer says. “He gives Boston the lead with  0.01 left on the clock! And the Bruins will win this game against Vancouver.”

Milan’s POV

“Nice game tonight, Looch! But, you better get going, because we just a call saying that your wife is about to deliver.” Coach said. “Thanks.” I replied. I sprinted towards the locker room, I ran in. “Whoa! What’s your hurry Looch?” Rask laughed. “Chantelle’s gonna deliver soon.” I quickly got my gear off, and got dressed without showering. “Oh?” he asked. “Yah. See ya.” I said, sprinting out the door.

I went over the speed limit but, my second child is about to be born….fuck the rules. I arrived at the hospital. Just in time too. We got a girl! Victoria Lynn Lucic.

Tyler’s POV

I feel like my dad and mom have been ignoring me ever since  the demon was born. Yes, I know her name is Victoria but, she took my place of being the cutest in the family. I hate her.  I knew my uncle Brad’s phone number so, I took the house phone and called him. “Hello?” he answered. “Uncle Brad?” I asked. “Tyler? What’s up buddy?” he asked. “My mommy and daddy are ignoring me because of that stupid baby. And I’m bored because I can’t go to our hockey rink because mommy and daddy won’t take me down there because of the Demon.” I said. “Oh, do you want to come over here and hang out with Segsy and I?” he asked. “Yah!” I said. “Okay, give me ten minutes.” he said, then hung up. I put Uncle Brad’s jersey on, he gave me for Christmas last year and put it on. I left mom and dad a note in crayon saying I left. I ran down the steps. “Bye mom and dad! Uncle Brad’s here!” I said, they probably wouldn’t care. They didn’t.

“Hey buddy!” Uncle Brad said. “Can I sit shotgun?” I asked. “Yeah, you gotta buckle up though.” he said. I nodded.

Chantelle’s POV

“Tyler! Dinner!” I yelled. Usually he would come downstairs right away but he didn’t. I walked upstairs to his room. He wasn’t there. I looked allover the house. He wasn’t anywhere. Not even the ice rink. Where could he be?  I checked his room one more time. I saw a note on his bed,

Hi. It’s me, Tyler, your son, or should I say forgotten son. You probably are wondering where I am. I’m not telling you because, I hate you guys right now. Mom, dad and the thing you call my sister. If you  cared, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. Don’t count on me coming back because, it ain’t going to happen. Bye, your only and FORGOTTEN son, Tyler Sean Lucic, born on January 17th 2017. If  you forgot. because you clearly have forgotten me. I wish that  I had a person that cared enough about me to take care of me.

Tyler Sean Lucic

P.S. I tried to tell you earlier but, you were too busy with that thing you call my sister. Just remember what I said earlier in this note: I HATE ALL OF YOU!

After reading that, I cried, very hard. “Chantelle?” I heard Milan call out. “I-I-In here.”  I stuttered. He came into the room. “What’s wrong babe?” he asked. “T-Tyler’s g-gone.” I cried. “Where is he?” Milan asked. “I-I don’t know.” I stuttered again. I handed him the note.  Milan read it. “Oh my god. We are terrible parents.” he said. “I know.” I cried.

3 years later:

Tyler has been missing for two years now. Milan and I have posted missing posters all over Boston. Still no turn up of Tyler.  Victoria is now three years old and she is asking “Where’s my brother?” It broke my heart to hear her say that. She wanted her brother but, she couldn’t see  him.

Two hours later:

Milan and I walked in the locker room , Milan carrying Victoria. He handed Tori over to me and went to his stall. I looked and saw a boy about 10 years old, his back was to me. He had hair the color of Milan’s hair. The boy turned around and looked at me. He had Milan’s dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, had his eye shape, smile, and my cheekbones. I walked out of the locker room, to go to the bathroom to ‘use’ it. I didn’t really need to use it. I was just going in there to cry my heart out. I was almost there and I felt someone tug my arm. I turned around and it was that boy from the locker room. “Mom” he asked. “Tyler? Is that you?” I asked. “Yeah.” he replied. “Big bwother!” Victoria reached out to Tyler. I let  him take her.

I cried writing this chapter.  It was so upsetting. *sniffles*

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