Chapter One

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Look, I'm not sure how what happened to me really... happened. But it did. I'm sorry in advance for the confusion henceforth. Any questions you have, I had too. So, I'm sorry.

Chapter One

I awakened in a strange room with strange people. Why are these people huddled around me? I thought. I realized I was lying down, because if I was standing up I would have fallen. The room I was in was all white, the floor, the walls, and the ceiling even. The room seemed almost soft, padded somehow. I vaguely wondered why. At this point, I realized I was lying on the floor. The people that knelt around me were dressed in white also. There was no furniture. The people stared at me expectantly, as if waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, a woman burst into the room, startling a few of the people kneeling next to me on the floor. She had stormy gray eyes and an expression to match them. Her cheeks seemed to be permanently red. She wore a light blue dress with a long white coat that almost reached her knees. She had white shoes.

She gazed around the room until her eyes set on me. Her eyes trained on me, almost like she was studying me. Maybe she was.

The moment passed. She hurried over to a man who was kneeling near my head. He turned his head as she knelt and started to whisper in his ear, too low for me to hear.

The rest of the people stared at the expectantly. These people seemed to know what was going to happen, but weren't sure when. There was probably a pretty close ratio of men to women. They all looked different, but all the same, they looked similar to each other. Each ones features were similar to the next.

The woman (I have started calling her Rose, since her cheeks seem permanently red) and the man (who I am now calling The Pelican, because his features resemble such of a pelican, although I don't know how I know that) stopped talking, evidently annoyed with each other. They both stood, and the others followed suit.

I tried to get up also, just to sit up, but I was unable to. Shackles bound my wrists, my ankles, and around midsection. The people stared down at me as I struggled. The Pelican just shook his head.

There were no shackles on my neck, so I raised my head off the ground a few inches. And I saw what I was wearing.

All of my clothes looked dirty and brown, like I was laying in dirt for a while. I had on a brown jacket over a dark red shirt that was torn in some places. My pants were a dark brown and I had on black combat boots. I stood out among the white... everything.
Chapter One continued

As I studied my clothes, the people standing over me watched. Some had a look of disgust, others curiosity. Then, The Pelican spoke. "Why are you here?" he asked.

I stared at him, and then cleared my throat. "I... I don't know how I got here, never mind why." The words flowed from my mouth without me barely thinking, as if I have said this multiple times.

Rose opened her mouth "You..." The Pelican interrupted her. "What we mean is that we aren't sure what you remember and what you don't. We have never seen anything like this before. You are an...extraordinary case. Yes, a very extraordinary case indeed." He gives a small laugh.

He has an air about him, like his own gravitational pull. It made me want to pull the chains from my body and follow him anywhere. Maybe it was what he was wearing that made him seem important. Or maybe it was his confidence. He was maybe in his forties or fifties, with thin, graying hair atop his head.

A person, a man, spoke from across the room. He was standing near my feet. He had on a white button-down shirt and what looked like white yoga pants that were made of cotton. The words flew into my mind like I was grabbing them out of thin air. His shoes were also white. He was young, handsome, I guess. He has dark brown hair and light brown eyes. I guess I'll call him Tom. Yeah, he looked like a Thomas. I don't know how I made that assumption, but oh well.

"What should we do now?" he asked. His voice was deep, like a base drum. Base drum? I asked myself. Where did that come from? Well, I might as well stop asking myself that question, since I will probably never find out.

The Pelican and Rose looked to him. "You might as well leave, the syringe will be here soon." Rose said.

Syringe? A syringe! What are they gonna do with that?

I struggled against my bonds, desperate to get up. To get away. I don't know where, but anywhere would be better than here.

As I was struggling, everyone left except for Rose and The Pelican. They stood over me until I stopped wriggling. The Pelican looked just over my head, obviously deep in thought. Rose stared straight at me, straight into my eyes, trying to look into my head, into my soul. She was obviously having trouble.

Suddenly, the door opened , and another woman walked into the room. She went to stand next to The Pelican, over me. She had a long box with her. She handed it to The Pelican. He opened it, and took out what was inside. It was the syringe. It was already filled with a light liquid. The Pelican knelt, and, without warning, stuck it into his own arm.

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