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When we were kids the only thing we ever thought about was ‘growing up’. Now that we have indeed grown up, we wish we were kids again!

That’s the essence of life. Childhood is LIFE! Being all stupid and not caring about it, no responsibilities, nothing to be worried about….yeah, we all miss those days don’t we?

Time goes on, it stops for none. Enjoy and cherish each moment as and when it occurs, because one day you’ll wake up as an 18 year old running late for college, counting your left over pocket money,  worrying about the upcoming Maths exam; Now ‘Maths’ has always been the synonym  for ‘hatred’, well, it has been for me at least, i was never really good at maths. I guess Maths never understood my feelings. It always appeared as if the book spoke out aloud "solve me if you can". It won everytime! Damn! I should have never accepted the challenge.

So moving on, as and when you grow older, all kinds of burdens and responsibilities grow on your shoulders and believe me, it’s not such a great feeling. All throughout our school life we curse every inch and bound of it for making us get up so early in the morning and then making us suffer through 7 hours of scientific and mathematical torture, but on the day of your last exam of your school life, when you hand over your answer sheet to the invigilator and walk out of the room, realizing that your so called school life is actually over, you think about it over and over again. Then at last you bid your final goodbyes to all your dear ones, promising to meet again someday but knowing deep in your heart that the day might never come.

Over the next few days you realize how awesome your school was and it’s never going to be the same again. You think that the life ahead of you will be much more enjoyable, much more practical and realistic but the truth is, “you have lived your life”. All that remains now is 'going to college', getting a job, earning loads of money, getting married, raising your kids, waiting for heart breaking, soul shaking, and brain cracking diseases, those agonizing eyes of your boss staring and tearing apart every millisecond of happiness you have had all day, believe me, you’ll beg God to turn you into a child again.

Life is not what it is, life is what you make out of it while you have time!

I know that the above line is a bit contradicting, but hey, who says you can’t live joyously as a grown up. I just pointed out the obvious dilemmas; ‘YOU’ is what can make your life worthwhile!

I’ll be back, pointing out some more "obvious" stuff worth sharing.

 I was a kid too and now I miss being a careless and stupid child, well, I guess in the end all that’s left are memories!  HOLA!!!

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