The fox hunt

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Naruto is being chased down the street by Konnahs villagers which they are screaming *demon and monter* Naruto try's losing them down a ally to find out it's a dead end.

"Why are u doing this what did I ever do to you I'm sorry for whatever I did," Naruto cried out before getting kicked to the stomach by a villager.

"You know what you did you demon brat we'll never forgive you,"one of the villagers spoke before punching him in the face causing him to fall to the ground. For the next 3 hours they constantly cut him and beat him until there was a poof and the Hokage stood there in front of Naruto

"Hokage why are you protecting this demon he deserves to die," one of the villagers asked?
"He is no demon you are the only demons and the crime for hurting this child is punishable by death,"The Hokage screamed before killing them all after that the Hokage took naruto to the hospital where Itachi offered to give him blood so he would survive.However Itachi left after the doctors took his blood forgetting Uchiha blood transferred to a non-Uchiha would kill them. The doctors knew this but didn't remind him thinking they could get rid of him with the blood and saying they forgot however once they started inserting the blood to Naruto he met the nine-tails
"Hey kit over here,"the nine tails spoke to naruto from the cage.
Naruto just stood there in shock in the sewer place which naruto figured was his mind scape after naruto slowly made his way to the cage.
"Uh excuse me but who are and what's your name?"Narut asked the nine-tails
"I'm the nine-tails and you are the first human to ask my name well it's Kurama,"
"Mr Kurama why are you in a cage and it's nice to meet you but I have a feeling you didn't call me here to chitchat," Naruto said causing Kurama to be shocked at the 4 year olds intelligence
"Well I'm in the cage because the 4th Hokage sealed me in you and your right I called you here because you have been givin Uchiha blood which would usually kill anyone that's not a Uchiha however I can make you compatible with it and since your related to the sage of six paths I can mix the rinnegan and sharingan giving you the rinne-sharingan if you except," kurama stated leaving naruto completely shocked for a minute the he spoke up.
"That would be great I would appreciate it but I have to get you out of that cage first," Naruto responded before ripping the seal of opening the cage allowing Kurama freedom
"Thank you Naruto now in three days we will have to leave leave the village,"Kurama said before Naruto returned to reality.
After that Naruto jumped out of the bed fully healed because of Kuramas chakra healing him then he realized it was morning and left for his house but on the way he heard a girl crying when he went to where she was there were boys bullying her causing Naruto to get mad and run up and punch the older bigger kid that looks like the leader in the stomach knocking him out then hitting the next in the face knocking him out then feeling a kunai pushed through his back then all he heard and saw was a girl running and towards him crying
So this is my first chapter I hope you enjoyed it I know I enjoyed making it and please comment anything wrong so I can fix it and leave some support

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