The beginning

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Jacob's P.O.V

I woke up with a groan, today was the last day of summer, before i'm shipped off to graduate high school then college. I roll over and look at my best friend since Pre-K, Claire she looked so peaceful asleep, I remember the first day i realized i was in love with her. Completely and utterly in love with my best friend, but that's all we'll ever be is Friends. She stole my heart when i least expected it. She's the image of perfect, with straight blonde hair, green eyes and a country accent that would make anyone swoon.  Soon After i met Claire i realized she wasn't like other girls she didn't wear makeup or care what anyone else thought. I got up before she thought i was some creep who stared at her while she was sleeping. I got up the bed groaning under my weight and walked over to my dresser and put a shirt on and headed downstairs. Wishing i could tell her the truth.

Claire's P.O.V

I woke up to that Jake was still asleep he was so cute sleeping, with his tanned skin brown hair and brown eyes every girl was swooning over him. You would think that he was a player, but that's the thing he's not he's so sweet and wouldn't harm a fly. I remember the day i realized i was in love with him but we're friends and that's all we'll ever be. I hear Jake groan next to me and he turns over. I can tell he's staring at me after a whole he gets up and walks over to his dresser to get a shirt. Now you might think it's weird that we sleep in the same bed and he's shirtless but it's not. Once i hear him go down stairs i open my eyes and get out of bed wishing that i could tell him the truth.

When i get downstairs i see Jake and Josh in the kitchen.(Josh is Jake's younger brother)Even though They are 2 years apart they both share the same athletic build, same tanned skin same hair Josh just has Green eyes. Jake raises his head to looks at me "So what you want to do today" he ask me when we're probuably going to end up doing what we always do sitting around being lazy,  I shrug and mumble "i don't care".

A couple of hours later we're sitting on the couch watching some stupid movie. I'm texting people and Jake's head is in my lap, He looks at me"Who are you texting" i look at him and reply "nobody" not happy  with my answer he grabs my phone and starts reading the texts. He sits up with my phone still in his hands."You were texting Liam" he asks looking at me hurt (Liam is a football player that jake hates) "Yes we were just talking" i say knowing he's hurt. "With Liam there is no just "talking"he says getting up "you're either having sex with him or don't have anything to do with him." I look up at him "Don't you think i would tell you if i was having sex with him:" I say as he goes up to his room. He slams the door and the walls vibrate. Feeling stupid just sitting there i grab my phone and leave.

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