The wedding

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Claire's POV

2 weeks later i find myself walking to Jacob's house. I knock on the door and Josh enters " Hey stranger" he says with a smirk. "Jake's upstairs you should go see him" I nod and go upstairs to Jacob's room i knock i hear a "Come in" and i open the door to see Jake looking out the window "hey" i say trying to not make this awkward Jake turns arond and gives me a huge bear hug then kneels on the ground he then pulls out a small box from his pocket and opens it to reveal a gold band with a single diamound on it " I love you Claire i messed up once and almost lost you and i'm not going to make that mistake twice" He holds my hand" I've looked for someone better for me than you and i've never found a person who's as perfect for me as you are, and i would love to make you my wife" I look down at him and smile i take my hand and pull it out of his"No" i say before running out of the room.

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