The end

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Okay so the last chapter I was kidding when Claire said no this is what really happened.

10 years later

Me and Claire chase the kids around the house attempting to get them ready for their first day of school. After me and claire got married we bought a house next to my parents i love living here the kids have park to play we have a beach and i have Claire. We had 3 kids two twin girls named Audrey and Raven Then a boy named william or willy. Life is good we finally get all of them in the kitchen then send them out the door me and Claire stand in the kitchen when she asks me "do you regret any of it" i look at her and think about her question"No because if anything were different i wouldn't have ended up with you" She smiles then leans in and gives me a long kiss. And that's the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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