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"Oh my God. That was awesome!" I said leaving the theater. I didn't say it to anyone for I had gone to the theater alone. 

I am a huge Marvel fan. I grew up with the comic's that my uncle gave me to read. He too was a marvel fan, but sadly he passed away before the first iron-man movie was even announced. 

I had just watched Doctor Strange in 3D. It was amazing. Better then I could imagine. I was scared because the actor Benedict Cumberpatch has an American accent, but thankfully wasn't that distracting.

I looked around the theater seeing all the faces of the kids and adults. Seeing them buzz with excitement for what they just saw. This was why I came to the movie instead of waiting for it to come out on DVD. So I could hear and see what stood out to people. Thinking about it put a smile to my face. 

I leaving the theater I saw that the sun had set and was not twilight. As I walked to my car I saw light coming from an alleyway. My head was screaming to keep walking and not look, but my curiosity was burning me alive. Defeated I walked carefully to the alleyway that was projecting this glowing yellow light. Taking one last breath I looked to see the last thing I expected. A portal like in the movie 'Doctor Strange'. 

"What the-" I was cut of by someone grabbing me from behind. I screamed as I struggled to get out of there grip.

"Dormammu will reward me handsomely for killing the Sorcerres Supreme." They said.

"NO!" I yelled not really registering what he said entirely, only the fact that he said he was going to kill me. I elbowed him where the sun don't shine he let go, but not expecting him to I was lunched forward and fell through the portal. When I mean fell I mean I fell and kept falling. I could feel gravity increasing. I saw clouds of purple and light blue swirling about me. Soon I the sensation of me falling became confused as I didn't know if I was falling or floating for I didn't see a bottom insight.

But that sensation only lasted for a couple of minutes for soon gravity decided to work again as I was pulled into a different direction. The world was soon blurry as if I was thrown into a pool, but still able to breath. Soon I saw the world I knew come into focus only to see I was seconds away from eating gravel.

I blacked out.


"911 what's you emergency?"

"A woman fell from a somewhere! Please hurry, she bleeding!"

The ambulance roared to life driving fast down the New York. Fighting the clock as the rush to the woman face down in the sidewalk ad.

As if rehearse then got her into the stretcher and raced back to the hospital to save her life. 

"What happen?" A tall man with a goatee and two strips of white hair ran over to the paramedic crew.

"Jane doe was found outside on the sidewalk. Most like jumped out of window. High but not high enough to kill her on impact." They told the man.

"What else?"

"Head injury and rib fractures. She not responding." 

"Get her to Doctor Plamer and Doctor Marald. Hurry." He said running with them to save his woman's life.  


I woke up in so much pain. I could feel it coursing through my body. Now I know what it feels like before you turn in the walking dead.

I try'd to open my eyes but to no avil. So I try'd to talk, but all that came out was a soft moan. But, it was enough to get someones attention. For I felt someones presents in the room.

"Well, I see your awake."

I try'd say something and, again came out as a moan.

"Don't strain yourself. It will only make it worse." His voice sounded familiar.

"My name is Stephan. I am going to help you with you needs. Okay" He said 

. . . 


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