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Wong lead Strange into the room where the famous eye of agamotto was held. He made a hand motion and the once stone sphere came to life and yellowish gold symbols appeared over it. Showing the three Sanctum of the world. But another symbol appeared.

"You see that." Wong said pointing at it.

"That indicates a sorcerer Supreme." He said.

Strange looked at the symbol. He hadn't seen it the first time he saw the globe months ago. But what confused him was there where 4 instead of 3 like normal.

"Why is there a 4th one. I thought there where only 3 sorcerer Supreme's one to protect each Sanctum?"

"Not always. But look" He turned the globe to show Strange a purple symbol that he could not see because of his position.

"A portal has open from another dimension and something came through." He explained.

"The Jane doe."


"So. That still doesn't explain how she know dormammu."

"Did she do anything else that was strange?" He asked

He thought back.

"She had a panic when I told her my name." He said.

"She know about all of us then. Perhaps she is from an alternate dimensions where are world means something to their world." He said thoughtfully.

"But when she wakes you must ask her yourself. For she is a sorcerer Supreme as well." He said.


I woke again but to my surprise the pain was gone. I looked to see I had bandages everywhere. I sat up and started to rip the bandages off. To see I was completely healed. Not taking any chances I took all the bandages off and found my clothes in the wardrobe, changed, and open the hospital window to happily find that I was on the frist floor. Jumped out and started to run.

I ran still I was in the city. That wouldn't be odd expect for the fact that I lived in the country in Florida and I was now in the city of New York!

Maybe I was drugged and since I watched Doctor Strange maybe I was tripping about it. Then was found by the police before things got bad.  I looked around thinking. There was one way to find out. I ran over to a news stand and looked for anything on the Avengers. I found one and read.

Tony Stark has just made a statement at Congress hall.

Okay now I was painc. There was another way of knowing if this was just me tripping somehow.

I pulled out my wallet and saw I had a lot of money. Enough for a trip.

I hailed a cab.

"Where to?" The drive asked looking through a rear view mirror.

"117A Bleecker Street, please."

Hoping that he would say that this place did not exist. He started to drive.

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