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Strange nodded to Wong as headed to the door behind the eye that held to the New York Sanctum.

"Cloak?" He called walking down the hall that lead to the sanctum window. He saw the cloak hovering there.

"What wrong?" He asked walking to it. Taking it in his ands and tossed it on his shoulders.

It was then he heard something as though an artifact fell.

"Who's there?" He called summoning his light Shield.

He walked over to the source. He could hear breathing behind one of the displays even though the stranger was trying to suppress it.

He walked slowly and quietly then turned the corner to strike only to she the Jane doe from the hospital huddled deep into the corner of the display shacking with fear.

"What are you going here? You should still be in the hospital?" He said seriously dissolving his shield.

"I...I... h...healed." She managed to say.

"I'll be the judge of that. Come here." He said helping her up leading her to one of the many bedrooms.

"Take of your shirt." He said with no hint of sarcasm.


"I'm a doctor."


She slowly took her shirt off as he examined her ribs. Thankfully he was wearing his gloves so she didn't feel his cooled hands.

"Okay now you neck."

She lifted her head as his hand rubbed it to make sure she was okay.

"That's odd. You had fractured ribs and a head and neck injury, but your completely healed." He stated; more to himself then her.

"What's your name?"

"Huh?" She said looking at him.

"Well I can't keep calling you Jane doe now can I?"

"I... Uh. My name is Jess ... Jess Adams." She said.

"Well, Jess. How did you know about this place? How did you know how I was?" He said smirking at her.

"Duh... I... you wouldn't believe me." She said waving him off as she put her shirt back on.

"Oh yes the man in the strange robes and cloak that has a life of its own that made a light shield would never believe you." He said smirking.

"Well when you put it like that."

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