Valentine's Day cont. & Seeing about the baby

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"Let's celebrate" Kendall says as they over to the bubbly and have some to drink to celebrate the engagement before their food is brought out

"Yes let's" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall

Kendall and Logan took in the sights around them as they enjoyed themselves until they heard a cry

"What on earth?" Kendall asks as he goes to where the crying was

"Sounds like a baby is here some place" Logan says as he follows Kendall

"Sounds like it" Kendall says as he was following the crying

Kendall found a baby that was in the bushes away from the guests

"Hey there little one" Logan says as he takes the baby from Kendall

"She looks like she was abandoned here not that long ago and look she has no legs Logie" Kendall says to Logan

"The poor thing" Logan says as he was comforting the baby a little bit since they were going to still enjoy their night

The baby settled down on Logan and she went right to sleep

"Night sweetie" Logan says as he was going to put her somewhere for the time being so they could eat since their appetizers were brought out 

"She is too perfect not to leave here" Kendall says as he looks at Logan as he had the baby in his arms as she slept 

"Plus, she is too little too I hate to leave her here and we go home to Ellie, Allie, and Callie" Logan says as he was going to hold the baby as she slept in his arms cause she needed that comfort of someone, and Logan was going to do for now since she did not want to be put down at all 

"Look at the bruises she has on her little body too Logie" Kendall says as he was looking at the baby closely as Logan was eating as he was holding the baby in his arms still  

"My word and she is bruised around her eyes and around her tiny mouth" Logan says as he propped her up so he could exam her a little more as well  

"I think when we get done eating, we have to get her checked out" Kendall says as he was finishing 

"I think so too I hope she sleeps and doesn't wake up anymore and if she gets hungry, we will have to feed her somehow, and change her too" Logan says as he was going to wrap her up, so she was warm as he was holding her since it was a bit chilly out 

Kendall was going to go to the car since he had a spare car seat in the car for the babies and the other car seat was for Ellie 

"Here we go we can put her in this" Kendall says as he was bringing the car seat into the restaurant so the baby could sleep while they were having dinner 

Logan put her in gently and she hated it 

"Sweetie it's okay I am going to be right here the whole time, and no one will touch you" Logan says as he was putting her in the car seat for the time being 

Logan rocked the car seat while Kendall went to get the spare diaper bag, he always keeps in the car just in case he wants to take one of the babies some place he has a spare diaper bag 

"Kendall let me guess you had it in the trunk" Logan says to Kendall when he came back with the diaper bag 

"Yeah, there is powder formula in here too as well as diapers and an outfit i keep in here just in case" Kendall says as he was going to dress the baby a little bit, so she was a bit warmer than what she was 

"That's good" Logan says as he was going to make a bottle quick just in case she was hungry and he was going to feed her while they waited on dinner to come 

Logan fed her and she was hungry 

"Easy sweetie" Logan says as he was looking at her as she was eating 

(Much later)

"Kenny that was a great dinner" Logan says as they were leaving the restaurant with the baby that was sound asleep in the carrier for now  

"Welcome now to get her checked out" Kendall says as he was going to put the baby in the car and Logan was going to ride next to her to the hospital

"Kenny i want to keep her it's stupid to give her up now and give her to an orphanage" Logan says as he was looking at Kendall as they were leaving with the baby 

"Okay if you want to keep her, we can keep her i have grown very fond of her too Logan" Kendall says as he was still driving to the hospital 

"Now to work on her name" Logan says as he was still looking at her as she was sleeping 

"Let's stick with the llie theme we have going and the girl's names are still perfect and they all rhyme" Kendall says as he was trying to suggest names for the baby 

"Okay the names that stick out to me are Hallie, Millie and Mollie" Logan says as he was looking at the baby that was still sleeping

"I like Millie it's kind of old fashion and no one will have that name" Kendall says as he was thinking of all the names that Logan had said 

"Okay Millie is her name then" Logan says as he looks at the new Millie 

Millie moved as she heard a name 

"I think he likes that name Kenny" Logan says to Kendall 

"It fits her well with those curls of hers' Kendall says as he was approaching the hospital so they could get Millie checked out, and see what was going on with her 

"Well Millie we are going to get you checked out pretty girl, and see about those bruises" Logan says as he got of the car with her in his arms and they left the car seat in the car since Logan got her out earlier as she stirred a little bit as she slept so Logan thought she was having a bad dream and she needed her comfort from Logan 

Kendall was going to explain about Millie and what was going on with her to the nurses 

"Logan they are going to take her" Kendall calls to Logan 

Logan brought Millie up and handed her off to the nurses   

V & C

the next part is up 

Kendall and Logan's Italian baby girl wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now