Midnight Morons - Part 3

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Castiel, an Angel Of The Lord, enters SL in a long beige trench-coat.

The Winchesters remain frozen in place while Castiel nonchalantly inspects the campsite, wandering around carelessly.

he sees the food and decides to fix himself a s'more. He takes his time, no rush, and then he takes up a position between the two brothers, just over their shoulders and out of sight.

He stands there, without a care in the world, and enjoys the s'more. Cas snaps his fingers and the boys UNFREEZE, completely unaware of his presence.

The Winchesters finish their bites and continue to eat.


I think that was the one and only time we've ever gone on a good old fashioned camping trip. Ya know, with no hunting?


What about that one time in Akron? That was fun.


Yeah, I don't think sleeping at the dining patio of an Applebee's counts as camping.

An audible chewing noise is heard from Cas...


You hear that?




(pulls knife from boot) Or somethin' else...


We're out of chocolate.

Both Winchesters jump out of their skins and fall off of their log seats.


Cheese and crackers, Cas! You dang near gave me a hear attack!


I apologize, Dean. I know that due to your lifetime of poor eating habits you are indeed prone to experiencing a coronary event. However, I would like to point out that I have the power to revive you almost immediately. failing that, I do know CPR as well.


Maybe next time, Cas.


If you're not gonna smooch my brother, could you explain just what the heck you're doing here?

Cas paces around the campsite explaining his whereabouts as of late.


For the past eight lunar cycles, I have been on a quest that has taken me all over the world. Conveniently enough, this has given me the opportunity to reacquaint myself with human culture and all of its fascinating intricacies.


Quest? Like Johnny?


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