The Promise Land

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(Her outfit above, except for the headphones)

(Quick A/N. Listen to the song above while you read and in the comments tell me if it made you wanna cry. Even a little. If you've got a better one, i'll try it out and if it works, i'll change it. Thanks for reading! Enjoy! P.S. You can stop the music at the time skip.)

Roux's POV

I just finished putting on my favorite choker that my mom had made me for my third birthday. "Roux. Come down here, darling." My mom called.

"Your trainer is here." My dad told me.

"I'm coming!" I went downstairs and went off to the training grounds with my teacher. He's my personal trainer who's helping me to keep a promise I made to my parents.

I swore to them that I'd become a really strong kunoichi so that I could protect them and everyone else in our village, because we're all like a big family. I love everyone here. My mom always told me that I was destined for great things and that I had real potential because I was stronger than I knew. Although, I never really understood what she meant by that. At least... not until that day. She told me I wouldn't have to. She was wrong.

Sensei and I were sparring in the forest a little outside of the village when the ground started to shake and another energy emerged from nowhere. I quickly looked around—

"Sensei! Watch out!" I screamed, but it was too late.

We were both already on the ground after getting knocked over by the tremor. The only difference; One of us was bleeding out... and it wasn't me. The other presence vanished and I ran over to my teacher. "Sensei!" I held his head up.

"Hurry... run... run far away... I have a feeling... the village is... under... attack........ get away while you can... Roux." He told me and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Oh no. Please no..." I begged as I ran back to the village. The place was covered in red and there were blood stained citizens everywhere. I began crying as I ran back to the house, my feet splashing in the puddles of rain and blood.

I ran inside, but it was empty. I went out into the back to see my parents lying there. Barely keeping themselves awake.

"MAMMA! PAPA!" I screamed as I looked at them I put my mom's head on my knees as I cried, "no-no-no-no-no-no, no! This isn't happening. This can't be—"

"Roux... you must... run... get far away from here..." My dad took his final breath.

"Papa..." I cried over my mother.

"Roux, my beautiful girl... please don't cry." She wiped my cheek as I sniffled and then moved her hand down to my choker. "Upon this treasured gift..." she took a deep breath, "you must swear to me... you must swear that you will stay strong. You must swear that you will live on. For as long as you live on... we can go in peace. Our memory. Our spirits will live on in you." Her words made me cry even more. "You must live on.... for us all... who will always stand at your side. For as far and long as the wind shall blow, we will be there, so please do not forget us... Roux.. my..... beautiful............ girl." Her arm fell limp as she let out a sigh.

My tears stopped falling and I clutched my choker. I felt someone's presence again and turned around to see a kunai knife stopped inches away from my face. I stood up and grabbed the floating knife by the handle before launching it back at the person that threw it at me. I gave my parents one last kiss on the cheek before leaving the village.

Jumping from tree to tree I made a final resolve. A final promise to them. 'I promise I'll be back to give you all a proper burial.' I clutched onto my choker, fighting back my tears.

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