Roux's First Day! First Impressions!

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Roux's POV

My dream wasn't even really a dream. It was a memory. A wonderful memory of the time I went to a field with my parents. We were all so happy and smiling. It started raining so we hurried on home and all sat in front of the fireplace while drinking hot chocolate. When we finished our hot chocolate my mom laid on my dad's back and I on hers. We all laughed and then took care of our hygiene before going to sleep. When dream me went to sleep, real me woke up with tears running down my cheeks and a smile on my face.

No One's POV

She got out of bed, stretched a bit, and took a shower before throwing on some clothes (A/N: the outfit above) and going to eat two pieces of bread, then to brush her teeth, which she scrubbed yet again. She grabbed her money pouch with the map inside and her key before locking the door and going to the academy.

As everyone began settling in, Iruka stood at the podium in the center of the room. "Alright everyone. Starting today, we'll have a new student. She's the same age as all of you, but has had a very difficult past, so when she gets here, I want everyone to be nice to her." They were waiting for a good ten minutes for her to arrive. Finally he decided to start class and twenty five minutes into the lecture she was standing outside the door.

She tucked her hair into the back of her hood and sighed. She opened the door and everything went quiet. "If you're gonna devote yourself to being a kunoichi, you have to learn to be on time." He told her.

"My bad. I got a bit turned around." She lied. She was just taking her time to get familiar with the place. She closed the door before heading off to the center of the room.

"Alright, everyone. This is our new student Roux. Like I said before, be nice to her."

"Yes Sensei." The whole class said and she sighed before going over to an empty seat and sitting down.

Roux's POV

Iruka sensei began, or... re-began, his lecture. I already learned this stuff a long time ago. So I put my head down so that I could think. People began muttering, but I paid them no mind. I just kept to my thoughts. I was just thinking about how big this place was. Both the village and the school. Everyone's always giving me strange looks when I wore my hood down and they'd see my hair and eyes. That's why I wear my hood. All that I care about is keeping my promises to my mom and dad.

My mom loved my hair and my eyes. My dad did too, as well as everyone in the village. It was pretty small so everybody knew everybody there. I put my head up and looked out the window. I promised mom I'd stay strong. Soon enough we were dismissed for lunch but Iruka asked me to stay back for a moment and everyone began muttering again.

"Yes?" I asked him from my seat as I got up. He approached my desk bench and looked a bit confused but mostly concerned.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked me and I nodded. I felt like there were a few people close by, but didn't care much. "Why do you cover your face like that?"

"I don't have any real reason. I just like hoods, I guess." I told a bit of a lie again.

"Okay, one more question. Is there any particular reason why you train in the forest alone?" He asked and I looked at him. That lady and old man sure do talk.

"Well..." I sighed, "I have three." He looked at me awaiting my reasons. "Well, first, I feel safe when I'm there. I'm comfortable. My second, it's the only place I can go that doesn't feel suffocating. I don't feel... self-conscious or nervous and am much more energized and strong there. My third, well. I don't seem to have anyone else to be with. Now, do I?" I answered him before leaving the room with a sigh.

"You're all quite nosy, aren't you?" I spoke without having to turn. They were all quiet and I looked at them. "What's wrong? Did you want to talk with him?" I asked and they all just looked at me. I sighed and turned away from them. "Whatever, don't say anything. If you wanted to speak with him, go ahead." I told them walking away, "see ya." I waved and stopped a little far away from them. I looked to my right an grinned as I strolled through the trees. and other green.

I looked off into the distance after stopping and sitting down at a nice spot. There was a large space of grass and the trees and bushes formed a nice circle where it mixed the perfect amount of shade and sunlight. I felt something. It's them again. What do they want? I put my back against a tree and breathed a breath of relief as I looked up at the sun through the many tree leaves. I heard a bush rustle, but I didn't worry about it. It's just a few animals.

A squirrel climbed down from the tree and jumped onto my shoulder. I held it in my hand. "Hello little one." I scratched its small head and it made a little noise causing me to smile a little. I put the squirrel to my side and looked to my right to see a bunny hopping over onto my lap. I pet it "Hi there." I said stroking it's soft white fur. Each time, a bigger animal would appear. I ended up greeting and petting a cat, a dog, a fox, a wolf and a bear. Then I wondered why there were animals like this so close to the school, then I stopped caring and fell asleep on the bear's fur, surrounded by all of the other animals and cuddling some of the smaller ones. I even had a little beetle resting on my cheek.

No One's POV

Ever since she was young, creatures loved Roux, and she loved them. They were the only things keeping her company for those long cold years, she'd often get in trouble for bringing animals home all the time. Or rather, for being followed by them.

Four of the nine nosy kids from before were looking at her through the bushes unaware that she knew they were there. "Are you guys...seeing this?" the one with a dog in his arms asked the others "well, we're not blind Kiba." The blonde girl snarkily said.

"I can't believe there are so many of these animals so close to the school" the girl with short hair and whited out eye said in a low voice. "Hinata. Is that all you've noticed?" The girl with blonde hair asked "Ino! You're being too loud" Kiba told her while trying to whisper "What're you thinkin' about Shino?" Hinata asked him but he didn't say anything. They all stood "We should go while we can." Ino suggested. The dog wriggled and jumped out of Kiba's arms "wait. No, Akamaru!" He called as the dog leaped over to Roux where he laid on her side and got comfy.

"Are you kidding me?" Kiba quietly screamed as the others dragged him back to class. After a while she woke up and it was just her and Akamaru who was resting under her arm. She mumbled something as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked down at the familiar little dog who yawned and stretched with her. She picked him up and looked at him. "Hey, I know you" she told him and he wagged his tail and licked her face causing her to giggle a bit. "You're a cute little guy aren't ya" she said rubbing his head and a special spot behind his ear. "I like you. But we should be getting you back to your owner" Roux told him, fixing her hood on her head and going back to the school. Class was almost over as she finally went inside.

She held Akamaru in her arms as she walked over to the person she suspected was his owner. "I believe he belongs to you?" She said holding him out to Kiba. "Yeah... Thanks" he said taking back the very happy looking Akamaru. "Iruka sensei. I'm going now. I have to speak with the Hokage." Roux told him and then left before he could make a comment on it.

~At The Hokage's office~

She knocked and slid the door open when he gave the okay. "Lord Hokage."

"Please, drop the formalities" he told her as she walked in "okay. Old man. I want to graduate now. I already know all of this stuff that he's teaching us. I learned it from my old teacher and taught myself what he couldn't. There's nothing he could say on this matter that I don't already know."

"I am aware of the way your clan is run. I also, however, would like you to graduate with the rest of your class. I am sorry. But I need for you to surround yourself with others your age. You don't have to pay attention if you know it, but you have to at least attend class. If you don't I will send someone to chaperon you." He told her and she sighed she said okay and then respectfully bowed before turning and leaving his office.

She went home, ate, showered, brushed her teeth and went to bed.

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