Chapter 3: The Plan

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Bokuto nervously placed the violin in his gym locker.  Hopefully, if all goes well, he was going to leave practice early, get the violin fixed, and return it to Akaashi without him finding out before his concert begins.  They had practice until 6 PM, when the music shop closes so obviously, he could never go after practice.

"Bokuto-san, I haven't found my violin yet.  Have you had any luck?" Akaashi walked over to where Bokuto was standing.

"Akaashi?! When did you get here?! I had no luck finding it, nope! I haven't seen it!" Bokuto quickly closed his locker and locked it.  Luckily, Bokuto hid it just on time.

"Bokuto-san... you've been acting weird since last night... did something happen?" Akaashi raised an eyebrow.  Uh oh.  He knew something was going on.

'Well, yeah... he's Akaashi, after all,' Bokuto thought.

"WHAAAA?! NO... I'm completely nornal! I mean nonrmal! AHH I mean normal! Yeah..." Bokuto leaned against his locker, pulling out finger guns with his hands and trying to smile.

"Okay... I'm going to go stretch...."Akaashi said. "Also, calm down Bokuto-san.  We'll find it." He gave Bokuto a kiss on the cheek. Looking at him with one suspicious look one more time, he turned around and went into the gym to stretch.

"Bokuto... you're acting weird. Why are you so nervous?" Konoha and Komi appeared behind him, smirking.

"K-Konoha?!  Komi?!  I'm not nervous you guys, w-what are you talking about?!"

"Hmmm... are you proposing to Akaashi?! It's about damn time you did."

"NO! Well... not yet.  But that doesn't matter now.  I need your help guys. It's reeeeeally bad."

"Let me guess.  You stole Akaashi's violin?" Komi said.

"Well... okay, I did.  But I broke a string while playing it so I need to leave practice early to get it fixed at the music shop near here.  Can you guys stall Akaashi for me?"

"What's in it for us?"

"Umm... whatever you want! Pleeeaaasassee! I really need this."

"Okay... You have to dress as a maid for a whole day and do as we say."

Bokuto stiffened, eyes widened.  Dressing up in a maid outfit?  Doing that would be so embarrasing!  But he didn't want Akaashi to know that he was the one stole and broke the violin! (Or for him to find Bokuto in a maid outfit.)

"Fine," Bokuto grumbled. If he had to go through drastic measures just to get it fixed for him, he would.


Bokuto entered the gym.  Before they started stretching, he decided to go to the music shop now and just get it over with.

'Hmm... what excuse can I make?  Doctor's appointment?  Snacks for everyone? No....' Bokuto thought.

"Hey guys, I'm going to... go to the bathroom!  I'll be back!" Bokuto said, running out of the gym.  Konoha and Komi winked at him, as if they were signaling that they'll do their best to stall Akaashi or do something that will make his plan fail.

Bokuto went to his locker and grabbed the violin case.  He left the school and started running as fast as he could to the music shop.

The music shop was half a mile away so it only took him a short time to get there. The shop was currently open. Sighing with relief, Bokuto opened the door and rushed in.  There were many instruments displayed in different sizes and colors.  The woodwind and brass instruments were to his left.  To his right, there were percussion instruments.  The strings and sheet music were at the back of the shop. 


"Bokuto-san is taking a very long time in the bathroom.  Is he okay?" Akaashi said.  They had been waiting for 20 minutes already.

"I don't know.  Maybe he's just taking a dump, and it won't come out," Konoha snickered.
"I don't know about that..." Akaashi said. "Maybe he left the school."

"How would you know?" Komi asked.

"First of all, Bokuto-san just went to the bathroom before getting ready for practice.  Second, I know my violin is missing.  I know he took it and probably broke it due to how excited he probably was.  Bokuto-san had been wanting to play my violin for the longest time."

"I swear, he's at the bathroom!" Konoha blocked Akaashi's way with Komi joining him.

Akaashi got past both of them and stormed into the bathroom, with Konoha and Komi following him.  He kicked each stall open and Bokuto wasn't in any of them.

"I knew it," Akaashi's eyes narrowed.  "Konoha, Komi," he turned to face the two, "tell the rest of the team that I'm getting Bokuto-san right now.  I'll be back soon."

"Well, we can't stop him now, can we?" Komi said as Akaashi ran out of the bathroom.


"Hello!  Welcome to Karasuma Music Shop!  How can I help you?" A lady at the register welcomed him. 

"Hey! I need to get this violin fixed.  My lover has a concert tonight.  Can you fix this asap?" Bokuto opened the case.

"A broken string?  No problem!  This will only take a few minutes, don't worry!  Broken strings are very common.  Hold on, I'll be right back," she walked to the back, where the strings were and came back with replacement strings.  She took out the old, broken string and replaced it with a new one.

"We're almost done! All I need to do is tune it."

She walked over to the piano at the percussion section and played around with the pegs and the screws, while playing certain notes on the piano until the violin was tuned. She walked back to the register with the violin.

"The violin is all set!  Let's see... that will be 40 yen please for the replacement string."

Bokuto payed the lady and he placed the violin inside the case, closing it. 

"Bye!  Have a nice day!" The lady said as he exited the shop.

"Thank you!" He replied.

Bokuto, with the violin case in his hand hopped and skipped with excitement on the way back to the school.  He finally got it fixed!  A heavy weight lifted off his chest.


The heavy weight of nervousness came back.

Akaashi Keiji was standing in front of him, arms crossed.  He was glaring at him with his dark eyes, and did not look so happy and calm.

'Oh fuck,' Bokuto thought. 'could someone hide me now?'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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