Chapter one

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Crash! Oops that is the third one this week.  And it was my favourite. Oh sorry how rude of me. My name is Tilly Ivy Duffington. Yeah yeah I know. What a posh surname. Well I was born with it so deal with it. Anyways, I woke up to my fav alarm clock smashed on the floor with glass everywhere. Flip. Before we go on I need to tell you that I don't swear. I make words for those swear words e.g. s word is either sugar cakes or sugar honey iced tea. Back to the story...

"Tilly get yo ass down here. We don't want a repeat of yesterday do we?" My mum shouted as I scrambled out of bed. Yesterday I wouldn't wake up in time so my sweet mother threw ice cold water on me. It will always scar my eyes. Talking about my appearance I have hazel eyes dark brown hair and a ok fashion style.

I went into my walk in closet and looked through my 'nerd' outfits for my first day at a new school. As I searched through my closet I found matching grey sweatpants and shirts. I also put on my silver sneakers just to jazz it up a bit. I walked downstairs to smell pancakes. My favourite. I ran to the kitchen said morning to my mum and snatched my pancakes off her. I cut a lemon and squeezed it onto my pancake. I then got the sugar bowl and sprinkled a tiny bit of  sugar on my pancake. Can't go wrong with a classic lemon and sugar pancake. I devoured my pancake and then grabbed my bag and purse.
"Bye mum!" I shouted as I headed out of the door. Before I shut the door I heard a faint bye honey from my mum.

I walked to the bus stop and waited. It was only a matter of time before a bunch of pupils came over to wait at the bus stop too. A girl with strawberry blonde hair came up to me.
"Hey, I'm Evie. And you are?"
"I'm Tilly." I said looking at her wearily.
"Come join me and the girls. We need a new addition to the group." Evie said.
"But I'm a nerd." I said.
"And I'm a outcast. Come on. They don't bite. Unlike the queen female dog if ya know what I mean" she winked as I laughed. She lead me over to three other girls.
"Hey I'm Lacy!"
"I'm Lacy's twin sister Lindsey."
"And I'm Fran. The total badass of the group." Fran said sarcastically.
"Hi I'm Tilly. By any chance do you know...." No Tilly! You can't trust them.
"Know what?" Lacy asked curiously.
"Nothing nothing." I said trying to sound reassuring.
"Sure..." Lindsey replied. Before anyone could say anything the bus arrived. As the doors opened many students quickly swarmed in. Evie grabbed my arm to make sure I didn't get pulled away from the crowd. Once almost everyone had gone the girls and me stalked onto the bus.
"Hi George!" Fran said happily.
"Hi Franmister, lacydacy, lindseywindsey, Evieweavey and ?" George the bus driver said.
"Very original G very original" Fran said.
"I'm Tilly." I said to George.
"OK puppet now everybody sit down we don't want to be late do we." George said as he quickly did a friendly wink at me. I waved bye to him as me and the girls went to find spare seats.

Luckily the bus ride was really short. (I suffer from bus sickness). When we got off the bus everyone stared at me. The girls with disgust and the boys with well... disgust. Just because I pretend to be a nerd does not mean that they can be all judgemental. Lindsey, Lacy and Fran went to class while Evie showed me the way to the headmasters office.
I gulped....
Knock knock knock....

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