The Return Back Home:

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Calibri's Pov:
We came out of the rift, and appeared in front of the house. I looked at Arial, who was standing to my right, and Toran, who was standing to my left.

"Ready to go in?" I asked them. Toran nodded hesitantly and said "I guess.".

"Yup! Let's go in and see our family again!" Arial yelled and ran towards the door. We casually followed her towards the door.

Arial turned the knob, and pushed it open. Mom was standing in the kitchen, and Dad was sitting on the couch. Right as he saw me, he sat up really fast and stood up.

"TORI! THE KIDS ARE BACK!" Dad yelled as he ran towards us. "Where were you two?" He asked us as we hugged him.

"We went to Junifer and Katie's house!" Arial said casually as she let go of him and backed up so that Toran can have his turn.

"Junifer and Katie?" Dad asked. Mom walked over to us to welcome us home.

"Sansy, I think she means the separate home that they got taken to a couple months prior." Mom explained.

"MOM!" All of us said at the same time. "Hello children." Mom said and hugged us. Sans snapped his fingers.

"Oh. You mean the other AU? Where apparently I marry a random half monster half human named Mel, that had a demon trapped inside her, who happens to be Cortana, the girl that took Arial and Calibri away? In To Be Determined?" Dad asked, mentioning a day that I am determined to remember.

"Yup! That's the one!" Arial pinpointed. We decided to go inside, and talk about this in the living room. We sat on the many chairs and sofas that surrounded our T.V..

"Listen girls...and Toran. As much as I love that you have made wonderful new friends, I want you to tell us when you leave next time. alright?" Mom asked. We nodded  in agreement.

"Also, I think you three have some explaining to do, as far as how rifts go, cause I've been DYING to know how it works." Dad said in an excited way.

"Well, there were 1's and 0's everyone! It must be what Data looks like." I said, me being the only one who knows about that kind of stuff. "And it feels like you're appearing in a familiar place, but it's a complete new world!" Arial mentioned. "And there are GIANT WOMENS THERE!" Toran yelled. We all looked at Toran.

Everybody had their own reaction to Toran's words. I rolled my eyes and said "oh my gosh.". Arial tried not to laugh at those words. Dad laughed and Mom went wide-eyed over the words she had heard, coming out of Toran's mouth.

"What? Giant woman? Where did THAT come from?" Dad asked, stretching his arms out towards Toran. "I do not know, but I do not like it!" Mom said, getting mad over the words. "But Toran, where did you hear that from, originally?" Arial asked him. "STEVEN UNIVERSE!" Toran yelled, trying to imitate that little kid in the tv show.

"Oh my goodness." Mom said and put her hand over her face in disappointment. "Okay. No more watching that show Toran." Dad said with a stern voice. "Okay Dad." Toran said.

After a bit of talking, we went to our separate ways. I was gonna go into my room, but then I heard a familiar song coming from a familiar game. I followed the music, and I arrived at Toran's room. He was playing Kirby.

(cue music at the top of the chapter.)

"Hey Toran! what' cha playing?" I asked, trying to act suspicious. "Kirby." Toran replied while still looking at the DS screen. "mind if I join ya?" I asked. "Sure!" Toran responded and moved over. I sat in the spare spot on his bed, and watched him play.

"I've been trying to beat King Dedede in the race, but I just can't beat him!" Toran yelled and practically slammed his blue DS shut. "Can I try? It is MY game, after all." I mentioned. "Fine. Also, Dad gave it to me when you stopped playing it yourself, and since you gave away your DS, it's technically mine now." Toran selfishly included and gave me his DS. "True. And thanks." I said and opened the DS. I looked at the level, and started playing.

(This is supposed to be Calibri's gameplay. Just ignore the beginning logo.)

"YES!" I yelled as I saw my amazing finish. I threw my fist up in the air like Kirby, and closed Toran's DS. Toran looked at me, and punched my arm softly. "The only reason you won is because you're a Kirby master." Total pouted. "Well, you can too. Just keep practicing! Then, you'll get better!" I motivated. Toran smiled at the motivation and took it. "Thank you Calibri! I'll try!" Toran said, while soluting as I left his room.

As I walked down the hall, I heard a loud scream that came from Toran's room. "I LOVE KIRBY! KIRBY IS THE BEST! KIRBY IS THE COOLEST CHARACTER AROUND!!" I heard. Then, I heard a *thump* and an "ow...I'M OKAY!" from Toran. Heheh. What a goofball. As much as Toran tries, he just can't put up a fight. He's way too easy to calm down. But, he's still a great brother to have around.

Well, this whole experience made me realize how much I really missed home. You know how you go to someone's house, and it has a distinctive smell that's different from the rest? I smelt that distinct smell coming into my house while we were talking to Mom and Dad about the whole AU experience. I really missed the comfort zone that I call home. It is good to go to another place, but you get that sense of homesickness, and you want to see it once again...

Okay! I'm gonna tone it down on the emotion level. No one is supposed to know that I get homesick. I'm a strong girl. A perseverant girl! And according to Palrin, I'm a 'street racer'...?...Haha. I miss Palrin already. Palrin is a great girl. I remember Palrin and I were sitting on the roof on our first adventure. We were talking to each other like we knew each other for the longest time. And now she's practically an adult, and I'm still 18. Holy! time goes fast over there. It's weird. And then there's Junifer who was a teenager in our first meet-up, and now she's pregnant?! Holy sh*t.

Talk about a new chapter in your life. But in this case...I'd consider it a new book in a series, to continue life. Or, a new necklace in a collection, to change something for the greater good. Or maybe, a new photo in a scrapbook, to document all the good times in life. Or perhaps, a new pencil in a pencil case, to write down your dreams and goals. I am a big thinker today! Normally I would've fallen asleep by now. I know, I know Fandom people. Like father, like daughter. It's the oldest phrase in the book people! Just like the phrase "Don't judge a book by it's cover". Uh...I's just a phrase. JUST! A phrase. That's all...golly me. I need to sleep. See ya Readers.

(Long unnecessary pause...;p)

"NO! I'm NOT dumb. I KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE READING THIS! Don't judge me for my knowledge and opinions!" ~Calibria Lynn Dreemurr

Undertale Continued: United As One (5 book)Where stories live. Discover now