Finding Haven

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I sometimes think my common sense is slowly slipping away
leaving alone my messed up conscious to fade into the shadows
second guessing how long my sanity is going to last
a bundle of emotions blurring my vision
my mind on over load
my heart in sorrow
and my lost soul
stuck in these misty woods
called reality
I can't take the darkness anymore
I need a way out
craving the warmth of the sun
daffodils and dreams combining as one
happiness and hope please don't go away
Im almost there
yes, the signs are as clear as day
no more tears and frowns
this magical healing
found the drug that I've been needing
safe and sound where I  belong
longed for this peacful melody I'm here to stay
oh, sweet haven thank you for making everything okay


Hey awesome nerds.
How ya doin?
It's been a while since I last updated...sorry I've been extremely busy with school and all,
so yeah - oh here is a cookie to show how sorry I am
*hands you a cookie*
Welp, hope you liked it!
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