Who am I?

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Who am I?
I don't know who I am anymore
Lost myself in this never ending battle
cold blooded war,
called growing up
Feeling two faced
on having to put on a mask,
each and everyday
Hiding my shame...
But wait, why must I hide from them?
Hide from me?
Depriving myself of who
I am
what I can be?
Why must I pretend?
Slipping and falling can't catch my breath
Copying and pasting every where I go
feeling alone
I just want to find a place where I can call home
Friends and enemies come and go, but
my shadow always makes me feel whole
Gasping for the taste of liberty
I just want to get my fucking identity-
and do me
My innocence taken away by corruption
They didn't even leave me with a reset button
all I see is
I can't even function
I just want to take all the images and pain away
Wishing I could start fresh where nobody knows my name..


Untold (✔)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora