The Wait

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I was at the alcove 15 minutes before the 5th period was due to start.

Mrs. Keats had gotten a bit carried away with her discussion about the second world war and if the slight look of horror in their eyes was any indication, the other students were as afraid of her as I was.

Before anyone else could, I quickly got up and made an excuse of having a stomach bug. Mrs. Keats dismissed me with the wave of a hand. I doubt the old coot even heard me, I could've said I had to go conquer Russia in winter and she would let me, she was so passionate about the economic depression and it's effects.

15 minutes later, the bell rang and the corridors flooded with students. I huddled back into the alcove, waiting for Isabella to join me.

10 minutes passed since the last bell and there was still no sign of her. Disappointment stabbed me sharply in my gut. Maybe she got caught up somewhere. Maybe she wouldn't come.

I looked towards the stairwell hoping that maybe if I waited a few more minutes she'd turn up.

25 minutes later and the bell for the 6th period rang.

She didn't come.

She was a busy body in school of course she wouldn't. I shoved my hands in my pockets. What was I thinking.


I got up and started walking to the boys' washroom. I needed some time to myself.

The corridor rush was settling down when I was crossing the girls' bathroom door.

I almost missed it. Soft sniffling coming from inside. Someone needed help.

I looked around me. I couldn't see any one, everyone had already settled into their classes.

Well shit.

I was planning on moving away, I really was, I couldn't enter the girls' bathroom, when the sobbing noise increased. Something could be seriously wrong.

A vision of my mother's tear streaked face entered my mind.

Trying to overcome my hesitation I opened the door and peeked in.

A lone girl stood at one of the wash basins. She seemed to be washing off her tears and sobbing simultaneously.

I stepped in, letting the door close softly behind me.

"A-Are you alright?" i asked hesitantly. Shuffling around, looking for a way out of the uncomfortable situation.

The girl looked up into the mirror.

And I found Isabella's dark eyes staring back at me...


a/n: No offense to history lovers, I find the world war very interesting too. If only my history teacher could be as nice as Mrs. Keats....

Much love,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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