Assorted Starters 1

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A/N Okay so this chapter (and the next one) are all just short story starters based on various prompts. I felt like posting them so here ya go. Some of them leave off on unfinished sentences so if you wanna finish them in comments I'll update it with however you said. ;)


The two young children scampered across the cracked road away from their softball field to the weathered bus stop. Thunder crashed nearby, causing the younger, the girl, to careen into her brother. He picked her up frantically


The drums were loud, like huge bass hearts. The dancing strangers advanced on the siblings, who cringed into each other in fear.


A wail came from one of the dancer's mouths, singing a melody


And suddenly, the train shuddered into movement, leaving the station. Jason stood on the tracks, his mouth gaping wide. He had been left behind. Dorabella's eyes watched him longingly as she rolled farther and farther away from him, interrupted only by the squeaking sound of her cabin door being opened.

"Three... Two... One... Pull!"

The four young friends tugged on the heavy wooden portal. It budged slightly, and this encouraged them. After a painstaking five minutes of children panting, it was open just enough for them to slide through.

The clomping sound of small snow boots on wood sounded through the cold, abandoned house.


The baby radio shook with noise. The man next to it sighed and nudged the sleeping form of his wife beside him, strewn haphazardly across the bed looking lifeless.

"Honey," he mumbled, "it's your night."

She made a noise of dissent


He leaned over and kissed her. She immediately turned a rather harsh shade of fuschia and slapped him away, taking a step back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Jeremy Wade?"

His face dropped and his expression turned nervous. His hands met each other behind his back and he swayed side to side.

"Well, I thought it was like one of those perfect endings, which the cheesy music. You know, where the guy gets the girl, no?"

"Dude, I'm lesbian."


"Dude, this is so cheap."

Her gaze went to his outstretched hand and traveled to his ridiculous outfit. He looked like a value-brand conquistadore.

"Even the music is just... I mean, what made you do this?"



He sank to his knees. His head... god, it was blinding. It felt like mechanical bees were flying in through his ears and surrounding—no, stinging!—his brain. On his elbows

The light was growing nearer. He sank farther into his cave, barely breathing in case it could hear. It let out a wail, a tracking wail of course. It knew his location, how could he hide? But it walked the other way nonetheless, and he let out a sigh of relief.

And it heard him, turning back around and fixing its startlingly bright white eyes—were they eyes? Who knows—directly on him.


The battle was a mess. Both sides had hundreds—no, thousands!—of casualties, bodies were strewn about. Yet the monsters kept coming, they had no end. With battleaxes the size of houses and broadswords long as schoolbuses, humans stood no chance. Women screamed, men cried as they were struck down, and the only thing to c

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