The Watchful Hellhound, Sabrina Jameson

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Name: Sabrina Marie Jameson

Voice Actor: Kyla Pratt

Age: Thirty-Five

Nationality: African American

Weapons: A hellhound. When angry, her skin turns into molten rock with lava like veins, hair turns into red fire, and can control fire.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Status: Single

Personality: Shy, stubborn, quiet, overprotective, overly friendly, sweet, and has major anger issues.

Role in the house: The teacher, the maid, and the aunt/mother figure.

Looks: Media, but when she gets angry her skin turns into molten rock with lava like veins and red fire hair. She also has light brown wolf ears and a wolf tail.

Likes: History, the quiet, singing, dancing, food, musicals, cartoons, thinking about the people she loves, making new friends, hugs, and fairy tales.

Dislikes: Loud noises, yelling and screaming, broken promises, thinking back of when she died, being made fun of, people being hit, and being called a "freak" and "stupid."

Kinks: ?

Fears: Returning to Hell.

Sabrina's story is one that's complicated. You see, hellhounds are the lowest of the low when it comes to Angels, archangels, and even demons. During the second war, the hellhounds were used as "human shields against angel attacks" and after, were used once again as personal maid and butlers and were actually treated like human garbage.
No hellhound has ever escaped hell and lived to tell the tale... Expect one. After the war and Marian's death, when Lucifer opened the portal to return himself and his soldiers back, Sabrina managed to escape from hell with her mother before her mother eventually passed away from the new environment, which left little Sabrina to be found by Oliver. She had been loyal to Oliver since then and is now very loyal to Renee. She's even helping her think of a plan to escape the mansion...

Quote: "Sorry, sorry, it's just funny. The way you think you have any kind of power over me? Do you want to see what happens to people that think they're better than me?"

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