Thank You {Francis X Louis, Mercy Hospital}

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Louis's P.O.V

Oh, God, I'm going to die here!! I thought as I screamed out for help again, my right hand's grip slipping from the edge. I could hear the Tank roar's coming closer and the pounding of his knuckles made me tense every time, which wasn't helping my current state. I could hear the other three's footsteps and gunshots. The Tank's roar sounded somewhere in the distance. My hearing was numbing as tears blurred my vision. "Help me, please!!" I yelled out, blinking, letting the tears fall down my cheeks. This is it, isn't it..? More gunshots riocheted off the walls in numb echoes. I felt my left hand grow slick. My eyes widened as more tears fell. "HELP ME!!!" I screamed out, closing my eyes shut tightly. "Louis!" I felt someone grab my hand and I opened my eyes back up. "F-Francis?" More tears fell down my cheeks. "Come on, we have to book it. This damn Tank isn't going down without a fight." He grunted as he pulled me up. I kneeled as I caught my breath raggedly as I still shook with fear. "Come on, Louis!" Francis spoke, unmistakeable worry and sternness lacing his voice. I stood, somewhat recomposed myself, and ran, Francis, Zoey, and Bill behind me.

TimeSkip, to the safe room

The safe room was dimly lit from the flickering lantern, Zoey and Bill sleeping on the stone floor with some pillows and makeshift sleeping bags. Francis had gone out to check the area and kill remaining normal infected. I was currently sitting down on the floor, leaning on the cold wall. A grey blanket around my shoulders. I couldn't get Francis' worried expression out of my mind as he pulled me up. My gaze was glued to my legs criss-crossed in front of me, zoned out. I heard the metal door creak open but I didn't look up. I heard a few clacks on the ammo-dump table, a sigh, then footsteps coming towards me. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Francis had slid down the wall beside me, a few cuts on his cheek and a bruise on his jaw.  "So, uh.. Crazy day, huh?" he spoke somewhat awkwardly, attempting to break the chilly silence that resonated through the room. I replied quietly, mumbling. "Heh, yeah.." More silence. After a few minutes, I cleared my throat, looking up and turning my head to him. "I never got to thank you." He looked back at me, a grin on his face as he chuckled. "Well, who else would have saved your sorry ass?" I smiled back, chuckling and nodding. The normal atmosphere had semi-returned. He reached behind me and put his hand on my shoulder, pulling me to his side unexpectedly. Was this the Francis I knew? "Besides, I have no idea what I would do without you.." He said almost inaudibly, but since I was close, I could hear it. I blushed and smiled. I leaned into him and closed my eyes tiredly. "Thanks, Francis. I don't know what I would do without you either..." I trailed off, a tired haze coming over me.

Words: 530
Sorry if it's bad, first L4D oneshot. L4D/L4D2 are my childhood, but this is my first book about the two games. Hope you enjoy <3

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