Dammit, El.. {Nick X Ellis, The Parish}

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Nick's P.O.V

The infected swarmed over the cars with ease, growling, screeching, clawing, and coming closer. Ellis fired off his grenade launcher a couple times to attempt to damage some of the horde. It had worked, but many still remained. "Ah, shit.." I grumbled, gritting my teeth as I ran a hand through my hair. "Let's get moving, people!" Coach called out as I heard the sick chuckle of a Jockey somewhere nearby. I nodded to Coach, Ellis looking worriedly ahead, Rochelle looking fierce as she shot a glare at an infected she shot. We all started jogging ahead to keep a nice yet fast pace where no one would get left behind. The infected swarmed around us, cutting the sleeves of my suit and clawing my face. I shot them off with my AK, but to conserve ammo, I pulled out my axe and started swinging. Ellis had fallen behind a bit to shoot grenades ahead into the horde. Coach's back was to me, looking for any oncoming special infected that lurked. A screech From a Hunter sounded close nearby as well as the groan of a Boomer. "Relentless bastards, huh?" I panted out to myself. I could see the Boomer's tumor ridden stomach showing from the other side of a bus, but another Hunter screech rang through the air. I gave a half-assed attempt to shoot at the Boomer, but I could see the hooded infected out of the corner of my eye, lurking on the railing of the bridge. I shot at it a few times, and it turned to me, letting out another bloodcurdling shriek before it leapt. I tried to take a few steps back but a group of normal infected swarmed me, and I was shoved out of the way, no stabbing impact of the Hunter's claws sinking into my chest. "Ellis!" Rochelle yelled. "Goddammit!" Coach yelled out, and I heard the explosion of a boomer. I could see the raw pink skin of a Jockey running over a white car, and it leapt onto Rochelle. Coach was quick to act as I swung my axe through the normal infected, trying the get to Ellis. The Hunter's sick grunts and the sound of flesh tearing was clear in my ears as I brought down my axe onto the Hunter's back. It gave out a pathetic sound and keeled over, limp body rolling off of Ellis. Ellis was barely breathing, blood welling up at his neck and cheek, clothes, chest and arms torn to hell. "Dammit, El!" I hissed through gritted teeth, tears welling up. I grabbed his hand, trying to pull him up, but he didn't cooperate and he slumped back down to the floor. "El, c'mon, we have to go! You have to get up!" I growled, trying again, but only getting the same reaction as I let a tear roll down my cheek. He gave me a smile through half lidded eyes, blood rolling down his cheek. "D-don't.. I'll stain your suit.." The smile left his face as he let out a wet cough, blood spattering on the road beside him. "Kid, I ain't leaving you here. We've come too far." I reached for his hand, but he put a hand weakly to my chest. "Go, please. If you ever see Keith, tell him that I love him. And, Nick..?" He looked back to me, and his hand slid down my chest, falling back to the ground. He reached for his hat, taking it off and putting it to my chest. "Remember me.." More blood fell from his mouth, and his chest fell. "Ellis!" Coach yelled. "Oh, shit!" Rochelle yelled as well. I was frozen, still kneeled at Ellis's side. All sound was numb to my ears. His cap was still in my hand. Tears rolled down my cheeks rapidly, my shoulders shaking. All I could remember was Coach and Rochelle grabbing my shoulders, and all of us hauling ass to the next safe room. I still have his cap, but I don't wear it. I'm keeping my promise to Ellis about finding Keith, even if it kills me.

689 words
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