coffee shop

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Seungkwan's cheeks hurt from forcing a smile on his face for so long. He thought that the fact Hansol was now dating wouldn't really interfere with their friendship, but he was wrong. She could be the prettiest girl but she was terrible to Seungkwan. The worst was that Hansol couldn't see it. He couldn't realize she was a bad person. 

When school was over for the day, they'd walk around the city's parks and use Hansol's camera, that he got for his 14th birthday. They found a new passion together and made albums with the photos, helped each other, etc. It was a fun hobby but both Seungkwan and Hansol wanted to take good pictures, to the point that they even borrowed photography books from the library. It was fun.

What wasn't fun was third-wheeling. He saw it coming, though. Hansol seemed like he only had eyes for Hana. Even when not with her, he'd be talking about her. Seungkwan had to be supportive if his friend was happy like that. But he couldn't stand her. Seungkwan couldn't be left alone with Hana. Last time they were alone, Seungkwan was about to push her hair, and he wouldn't even hit a girl.  

The three were at a coffee shop. Hansol and Hana were sat side by side and Seungkwan was sitting in front of them. The boy took a sip of his coffeen and was trying to mind his business, writing down a plan for an assignment but listening to the girl's voice saying "oppa" every goddamn time was making Seungkwan wish he could pull her hair and shut her up. In front of Hansol, he had to look at her and smile, laugh at their jokes, pretend to be interested in their convos. It was hard but Seungkwan had to be the best person in this situation. 

"Hey Hansol" Seungkwan called, probably the first time in that one hour that Hansol looked at his friend "I was thinking this Friday night we could go to the ice rink."

"That's actually a really good idea, Seungkwanie"

"But" Seungkwan's little smile faded when he heard Hana butting in. "This Friday we are going to the movies. Remember?"

"Does that mean we won't do a sleepover this week?" 

"I guess so... Sorry, Seungkwanie"

Taking a deep breath, Seungkwan was able to force a smile and mumble "it's ok, it's fine, have fun", going back to write on his paper and trying not to listen to the other two. 

If I was dating him I would still let him hang out with his friends. What kind of girlfriend,  the boy thought to himself. 

What bothered him was that maybe she didn't even really like Hansol or that she'd hurt him. Whenever they went on a date, Seungkwan wouldn't sleep until he got a message or a call from Hansol to make sure he was ok. He kept reminding himself how he'd treat Hansol better than she does but also questioned these thoughts. Why did he even think like this? 

The moment arrived when Hansol informed he was going to the restroom. As soon as he walked out of the table, the other two exchanged death glares. Seungkwan calmly looked around to make sure Hansol was already gone and then looked at Hana up and down, a judgmental and also intimidating move.

"What are you even doing, huh?" 

"He's my boyfriend and you're ruining our relationship. He doesn't need you. Go away." She had the meanest smile on her face. "But come get him once I don't need him."

"And you need him for what, exactly?"

She shrugged. It was unbelievable how quickly her personality changed. With Hansol around she was so sweet and kind but when she was left alone, her bratty self would show. It pissed Seungkwan off.

"Ever since I started to date him, my grades are pretty good, don't you think? Also, he likes to buy me things." 

The boy was trying to keep calm and not throw her the rest of his coffee. 

"He is very smart but not that handsome. When I get a grip of my grades and we go on enough dates, I'll drop him for a better guy. Already got my eyes on someone."

Seungkwan couldn't believe what he was hearing. 

"I don't know what Hansol sees in you. You're terrible."

"But I'm really cute, right?" Her grin was malicious. She was just a kid, Seungkwan shouldn't be wasting her time with her. But neither should Hansol. 

"You should just break up with him right now or else it'll be me who's gonna break you two up."

"Oh, I'm being threatened by a guy who's jealous because his friend is dating me, someone way better and superior to he is. Get a life, fag."

He lost it. He stood up and threw his coffee on her. She gasped and suddenly turned into a victim. He felt like he was in a tragic clichéd romance story. Seungkwan froze when he realized that Hansol watched that and the few people in the coffee shop as well. 

"What's wrong with you, Seungkwan?"

There was so much disappointment in his voice. It hurt him. He did that for his friend, but if he told him, Hansol wouldn't understand. Maybe it was not the best decision but it had happened and he regretted. Shoving his things in his school bag, he ran out of the coffee shop and went away. The last time he saw Hansol that day was when he was passing by the outside of the coffee shop and saw the boy helping his girlfriend. 

He was tired of this disrespect. Yet he didn't know why he felt that way. Hansol was someone so special to him. Seungkwan stopped by the park and sat on a swing.  After what happened, Hansol would probably never again speak to him. That thought made him start to cry. 

Seungkwan decided it was the time to go home after the sun was set. At that moment, he heard him again. 

"Hey, Seungkwan!" 

He stopped and waited for his friend to reach him. 

"Are you okay? Why don't you like Hana?"

"Oh, of course," Seungkwan rolled his eyes "It has always to be about Hana. Hana this, Hana that."

"Are you jealous, Seungkwan? You know I'm upset about what happened, right?"

The boy sighed, he was aware that what he did was totally wrong. "Yes... I'm sorry..."

"Hana is really sweet and nice, she doesn't deserve to be treated like that."

Sure thing. Seungkwan softly held his friend's hand. "I'm so sorry Hansol, I wasn't feeling ok." 

"I hope it doesn't happen again. I'll have to stay away from you for a while, Seungkwan, I'm sorry."

He wanted to cry so badly but he left that for later at home. Nodded and before his friend turned his back, Seungkwan gave the usual peck on his cheek but this time, Hansol softly pushed him away and walked to the opposite of the side they'd usually take to walk home. For the first time in a long time, Seungkwan was alone again. 



Wrote this all in like 2 hours. Gtg to sleep. I'll probably edit this tomorrow. 

I have My Kind of Woman by Mac Demarco stuck in my head because of Poppy. Wild, ik. 

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