Hangover in Heaven

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"Gah..." I groaned into Derek's shoulder. My head was pounding, and the little light that was coming through Derek's bedroom window was blinding. "Oh god I feel like shit.." 

"Hmm.. I figured you would." He said stirring to face me.

"Sometimes you being a smart ass doesn't help." I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself. I kind of loved it when Derek was like this, which was always. The way the words rolled right off his tounge just made me want to grab him face and kiss him.

He groaned, "I know, but I can't help it."

I turned my body so my back was pressed against his stomach, and his wrist draped lazily around my waist. 

After the party last night, Derek had driven home and I had crashed on his bed after having another drink at his house. God that was so stupid.

"Stiles?" Derek questioned, looking over my shoulder at my fiddling hands.

"Yeah..?" I replied, my long slender fingers wrapping around his hand resting on my shoulder.

"Where did you disapear to last night?" He asked, curiousity on the edge of his voice. 

I had to think for a minute about my answer and my thumb rubbed circles around his palm. Remembering was tough, but it finally clicked.

"I went to the bathroom, and Isaac was there too... I don't really remember why, but I do remember something he told me.. He said that Scott was acting funny, and their touch was warmth and fire. I didn't know why but I thought you or Deaton might know." I rambled on, Derek's eyebrows furrowing anytime he got lost.

"I think I might actually know what it is... It's some kind of mate thing. Ya know how our touch is like a spark or electricity?" He questioned and I nodded yes. "Well, it's like some other type of mate. They weren't mates at birth, like us, but they apparently have a very strong connection which is causing the wolf in them to become soul-mates." Derek stated, and all he needed was a pair of glasses and a sweater-vest to be any hotter than he already was.

"Uh that was extremely hot.." I chuckled, feeling my boxers start to tighten.

"Seriously Stiles..?" He said, rolling his eyes and I flipped my body around to face his.

"That's important though, the Scott - Isaac thing, right?" I asked Derek, already knowing the answer. I pulled the elastic of his boxers so his body was pressed against mine, and he whined at the touch.

"Yeess, Stiles. It's important." He hissed, as my tounge traced the muscles in his neck.

"Ughh I know." I groaned and reluctantly pulled away. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and began to dial Scott's number. 

"Wait." Derek said, grabbing my wrist letting the familar zing of electricity spark my being.

"Yes?" I said, smiling in question at his antics.

"You should tell him in person.. It is kind of a big deal. Tell him to meet some where." He explained, looking down into my eyes, hand still firmly on my wrist. 

"Will you tell him with me? I can't explain it AND look hot like you." I said, gazing up into his eyes and winking.

"Stiles..." He groaned.

"Plleeaaassee..?" I begged. He would be able to explain this to Scott a lot better than me, and who can resist smart Derek.. uhh not me obviously. 

"Fine." He stated and nudged my shoulder, "Call him already." 

I smirked and pressed call. 

"Hey Stiles. What's up? You feeling as bad as me this morning?" Scott said sleepily.

"Right there with ya man." I said, looking over at Derek who was now up and taking off his shirt, and putting on a new one. 

"That one fits just right Miguel." I whispered to him, and started chuckling. He scowled, but then began laughing all the same.

"Well anyway man, do you want to get some lunch somewhere? I kind of know something important that you would probably like to know." I asked, trying to sound nochalant.

"Uhh.. ok? Sure. Bob's BBQ in a hour?" Scott mumbled, obviously very confused as to what I could talking about.

"See ya then homie." I said, clicking end and getting up from the bed. 


When Stiles called me I had been laying in my bed, alone.

I honestly don't even remember half of the party. I remember getting many drinks and basically chilling on the couch the whole night, but hey I was drunk and the stress was melting off my shoulders. 

I didn't know where Isaac was when I woke up. I didn't think he stayed the night but I had a feeling like he had.. I didn't even know what was going on. But then I remembered what had happened on the way to the party and on the couch and my heart dropped. I probably scared him off because hey nethier of us knew what the hell the feeling was. 

I tried to shake it off as I got out of bed and jumped in the shower, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. I didn't want him to run away from the feeling. Yeah, it scared me too, but I feel like it is worth fighting for.

I grabbed a towel, dried off, and finished getting dressed. By the time I got there I was 15 minutes late and I was positive that Stiles was freaking out. 

I hopped off my bike, and looked to my right to see a jet black camaro instead of a beat up old jeep. My heart rate quickened at this sight because Derek meant something serious. Stiles wouldn't drag him to tell me something frivolous.

I pushed open the door to see a flustered looking Stiles sitting in a booth beside Derek who was desperately trying to calm him down.

I walked up to the hostess and motioned to the table with my friends so she would know I already had a table. I walked up to the booth and sat down heavily, trying to slow my heart rate so Derek couldn't tell I was nervous. 

"Guys, what's up?" I asked, the nervousness tainting my voice.

"Scott, it's fine. You don't have to be nervous." Derek said in a wise tone.

"Well I mean you are here which normally means bad news, and Stiles is freaking out which isn't a good sign." By the time I had said this Stiles was sitting up straight, his hands folded over each other, resting on the table.

"Umm.. well.. you know last night at the party? When you were extremely drunk?" Stiles questioned, his heart rate slowing as Derek's hand graced his thigh. 

I nodded as a signal for him to continue.

"Well, I was pretty drunk too. But, I talked to Isaac last night." He said, hand now moving up to his cheek as he rested his chin in his hand. 

My eyes were wide and my lips slightly parted as he contnued.

"He told me about your connection... the feeling?" He questioned, and I slightly nodded in shock.

Derek started talking now, "When a wolf's touch is like fire it means that your wolf is making the other your mate.. your soul mate." He stated, and my jaw dropped unable to say a word but he continued explaining. 

"In order to offcially become mates, your connection must be turned from lust to love." He said, his eyes darting from Stiles to me. 

Then, they both just stared at me, anticipating a reaction, but I just stared back jaw hanging low. 

*I AM SO SORRY ABOUT NO UPDATES. I know I always say that but I actually have a reason this time! Between Teen Wolf shattering our hearts every MOONDAY, work every weekend, school, and life in general writing seems to be impossible anymore.. ;( But I love writing and I don't think I could ever just stop! I have also been working on a tumblr for my Teen Wolf fans because my obsession is a little out of hand. BUT PLEASE FOLLOW sterekhasmyheart on TUMBLR! I LOVE ALL MY CHICKEN NUGGETS SERIOUSLY.... BYE FOR NOW LOVELIES <3*

*The song is sorta directed toward the Sterek smushy scene but I also really like it ;)*

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