The quads are born part 1

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Okay, the quads are finally going to be born and I am breaking it up into two or three parts i hope you like it and remember to comment or vote at the end of it. I am keeping my old co-worker in the story cause we use to be great together until tragedy struck and she never was the same again, and she turn evil and she ended up quitting and I never saw her again. I saw her once when I was at the other store and she just walked away and since then I never saw her 

During the fight, Fawn was hit by a hard contraction and it made her fall off her bike, and onto the track in pain 

"Fawn," Kristin says as she goes to her co-worker with what was needed to care for her and the babies as well since the babies were going to be in danger

The crowd went silent as they waited to see what was going to happen next since Fawn went down and Lucy was showing off as usual and saying that Fawn was done for and that the babies were hers now by Kevin was going to fight for the babies as well, so he was not done yet with this fight he was not going to give up that easy to her and he was not going to let her win 

"I win by default" Lucy boosts as she was celebrating the victory since Fawn was being tended to by the paramedics cause she was in labor with the quads

"Not yet," Gemma says as she enters the ring on Biscuit her horse to help Fawn with the fight

Lucy was shocked that Gemma broke free and was riding her horse

"Go Gemma go," Fawn says as she was breathing and waiting for help to arrive

Kristin ran to Fawn's side as Kevin tried to get to her from one of the side's or by the middle of the grandstand

"I think this is it," Fawn says as she closes her eyes tight as she felt another contraction come on

Kristin had to work fast cause the babies were in danger if they were going to be born at the fairgrounds, and they were going to be small so Kristin was going to save the babies and Fawn

"We go now," Kristin says as a stretcher was brought out for fawn, and Fawn was loaded onto the stretcher cause she was going to the hospital to have the babies fast

Kristin was on the phone with the nearest hospital and they were going to get the operating room ready for Fawn when she came in and Dover and New Phila was going to follow to take the babies up north for proper care once they were born and Akron was going to come down as well to help with the babies since they were going to be small and would need a good team to care for them

"I want Kevin" Fawn calls out for him 

Kevin was at her side in minutes cause he was not going to miss this for anything at all 

"I'm here Fawn," he says as he holds her hand as they got in the ambulance to head to the hospital to have the babies cause they were going to be born whether they were ready or not 

"It's too early Kevin they don't have a chance at survival," Fawn says as she looks at him with fear in her eyes cause the babies were going to die 

"They are going to be okay they are survivors all four of them," he says as they left the fairgrounds to head for the hospital, so the babies can be born and enter the great big world 

The race was postponed until Fawn was better


'Take her up to labor and delivery now" a nurse says as Fawn came into the hospital on the stretcher breathing along with the contractions trying not to push with the contractions that she was having 

"Breath babe," he says as he was comforting Fawn, and helping her breathe as much as he could right now

Fawn breathed to the song that they had picked for the delivery

"That a girl," he says as they boarded the elevator to go up to labor and delivery

"Kris I want you to be one of the quads godmothers," Fawn says as they headed to her room

Kris was speechless cause she didn't know what to say to Fawn

"I'll give you some time to think it over," Fawn says as they entered her room

Kris helped Fawn onto the bed, and she wanted to stay so Kevin could get the hospital bag since the babies were coming

"Thanks for being with me Kris," Fawn says after she came out of the bathroom and was in a gown

"Welcome," Kris says as she helps Fawn back onto the bed

Kris and Fawn talked about the kids until Kevin came back

"I'm going to be in the waiting room," Kris says as she left cause the co-workers were on their way to the hospital, and Ravenna was going to be coming to see her new brothers and sisters if they were going to be coming into the world 

"Kevin, can you believe that we are going to be parents," Fawn says as she looks at him as the nurse came in to give her some medicine to help her with the contractions 

"I can't believe it either I can't wait to meet K.J," Kevin says as he was trying to find K.J in Fawn's stomach

"Me either I hope they deliver them by c-section cause natural will be too much on me," Fawn says to Kevin

"Maybe cause they have to get in touch with Akron to see if they could send a team down here for the birth cause they are too small," he says as he was feeling the babies move inside of Fawn

Fawn and Kevin talked names for the babies and if one of the babies was another boy he was going to be named after Kevin's dad and the girls were going to be named Elizabeth and Catherine with Irish middle names

"Mrs. Lahm-McHale you want to have an ultrasound to check the babies?" a nurse asks as she came into the room

"Sure, I want to see what we are having," Fawn says as she was taken to ultrasound to check on the babies

Kevin and Fawn were going to have two boys and two girls so a boy and a girl was a set of twins

"So, I guess K.J has two sisters he has to protect," Kevin says as he got pictures of the babies cause they got the 3-D image so they could see the babies in pictures before they really see them in person

"Plus, a brother" Fawn says as she was back in her room

"No doubt about that" Kevin says to her as he was going to help Fawn with the labor once more cause the hospital was deciding how they babies were going to be born either natural or by c-section which Kevin hoped for a c-section cause it was safer for Fawn and the babies since the babies were squished together right now and there was no way they could be born naturally

"The operating room is getting prep right now so when it is ready, we will bring you down," the nurse says as she pops her head into the room, and tells the couple what was going on

"Sounds good," Fawn says as she was going to relax cause she had some medicine in her to help the babies be stronger for the birth

Kevin went to get Ravenna so she could be with mommy for a little bit while they waited for the quads to be born

"Hey Ravenna" Fawn says as she sees her only daughter be brought into the room

Ravenna babbled when she saw mommy

"I guess she is happy to see you," Kevin says as he sat her down on the bed

"I guess so and I am happy to see her," Fawn says as she was going to cuddle with Ravenna for the time being as they waited

"She is getting close to crawling," Kevin says to Fawn as they were still talking as they heard the heartbeats of the quads

"I can't believe she is almost mobile," Fawn says as she kisses Ravenna's head

"She will be talking before we know it," he says to her as they talked

V & C

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