The Adventure

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    I awoke at 6 a.m. feeling great. I wasn't  sure what the dress would be so I just waited for Devon. He arrived and was carrying another box, somehow I knew he would. It contained brown slacks, a cream satin and lace blouse, and brown flats. I dressed and again it was as if it had been tailor made for me.  
    Breakfast was just as good as dinner. Devon said if I would permit him to he would like to take me on a tour of the island. Without trying to look and act to excited I agreed.
    First we went to the shopping hut. I am here to tell anyone that will listen that the outside of these huts does not do justice to the inside. I believe that anything a person would ever want was inside. He said we needed a few things. He said I could walk with him or explore on my own and he would find me when he was finished. I opted for going it alone for just a bit. I first went to the clothing. It was ALL my size. Any type of clothing, shoes, boots, high heels, hand bags, jewelry, etc. I saw things I've only seen in magazines. Devon found me and asked if I was ready to go.
    We left and went to a trail behind the shopping hut. It was pure paradise, flowing trees, flowers of all shapes and colors, and I could hear what sounded like a waterfall. I was in awe. As we walked Devon would tell me what each flower, plant and tree was. We came upon an opening and there was the most beautiful waterfall in the world.
    We walked to the edge of the lake and he spread a blanket on the ground. There we sat and continued to talk about ourselves. I learned that Devon had come here 12 years ago as I did. He fell in love with the place and never left. His wife of only 3 years had passed away with cancer.  Since he has been here he takes guests on tours, escorts them to meals and entertainment. He said it was the most wonderful life.
    He opened a bag and pulled out picnic items. We ate, laughed and drank wine. I told him how easy it would be to not want to leave here if it wasn't for my 2 sons.
    He packed up and we started walking again. The beauty never stops. I told him I think I had drank a bit to much and wanted to go back to my hut and rest awhile. He took me back and left. Devon said he would be back at 7:30 for dinner.
    I laid down and was out immediately.  I woke up at 5:25. I guess I was really tired. I decided to go to the shopping hut to buy something to wear for dinner.
    I picked out a chiffon floor length lavender dress with all the accessories. Nothing was priced so I asked a young woman how much the items would be. She said "speak it" and it's yours. I know the look on my face was utter confusion. Again she said "speak it" and it's yours. I said I want these items and they appeared in my arms already in a box and ready to go. The young woman turned and left. I thought maybe they were going to bill me for them. Worse come to worse I could return them in the morning before I left.
    I returned to my hut and started getting ready. There was that doorbell again. I went to the door and a lady was there with 2 cases. She said Devon asked her to come by and assist with my makeup and hair if I wanted. I was thrilled. I had never gotten a "makeover" before. I finished dressing and she started on my makeup. Then it was to my hair. She drew it up on top of my head in a soft bun. She added some items that made me look like a bride. I had never felt so beautiful. At 7:15 she left.
    Devon arrived at exactly 7:30. I opened the door and he gasped. He said I was the most beautiful woman in the world. I know I was glowing.
    We went to dinner and once again it was devine. He said there was to be a live show and then dancing afterwards if I felt like going. I couldn't contain myself as I told him I was ready.
    We walked over to the entertainment hut. The inside looked like a gigantic ballroom with a stage at the far end. He escorted me to table 5 and we sat down. We ordered drinks. I was more careful not to drink to much. I didn't want to have to cut the night to short. The show was a comical act. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. When the show was over a live band took the stage. They were very versatile.  We danced until I thought I'd drop.
    We left and on the walk home I noticed a bulge in his pants. I'm sure my face turned red and was so glad it was dark and he couldn't see me well. He reached for my hand and I took his. We reached my door and he softly kissed my cheek. I asked him to stay. I told him I never wanted this to end. We went inside and closed the door.

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