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    I woke up to find breakfast on a tray next to my bed with a note. The note simply stated I Love You. The rush of emotions that flooded me was almost overwhelming. I too felt love for this man. I hadn't felt this way even with my husband. I was torn as to what to do. Should I be as bold as to ask him to come home with me? I felt I had no other choice.
    Devon came in after I got dressed. I turned around and blurted out "will you come home with me?" A single tear rolled down his cheek. A feeling of dread came over me. He asked me to come sit with him he had something to tell me. I sat and listened. He said that I couldn't leave. I had spoke I wanted to stay more than one time from my heart. Of course I thought it was because he wanted me to stay. He continued to try and explain why I could never leave but I didn't listen.
    I ran out of the hut toward the dock with tears filling my eyes. When I got to the dock it was empty. No boat or people.  I decided to wait for them. It seemed like hours had gone by when Devon came out of the woods. 
    They will not be coming for you he told me. I screamed I want to go to my boys. He again tried to tell me that it wasn't going to happen. And again I refused to listen. I walked further down the beach to get away from Devon. When I turned to see what he was doing he was gone.
    Dark started to come and still no boat. I slowly walked back to my hut. Devon was there. I ran to him for comfort. He held me as I cried uncontrollably. Finally I was able to stop. I told him I was ready to listen. He said that we could never leave. To the best of his knowledge hw explained everything he had learned over the past 12 years.
    Devon and I are very happy together. We have a love I had never felt before. There seems to be no sickness or disease here. Items in the shopping mall just reappear without being restocked. Boats come and go but I can not get on them. I have tried several times but become deathly I'll and have to get off. Once I get off the boat I'm fine.
    It has been 2 years since I've seen my boys. I am placing this letter in this bottle in hopes someone will find it and tell my boys so they know how much I love the and miss them. The are with my parents:
Donnie and Tonya Stowe
21768 Emerald Street
Houston, Texas
Thank you,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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