Bumblebee x Lori

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Request by: lorijanis

Oc: Lori, Human Female

Bot: Bumblebee, bayverse

Hope you like!

Btw! In this lemon one-shot, Bumblebee will be using his Bot holoform. Which means Bee will still be a bot, but in human SIZE. No human holoform!


Lori's day was no different than any other day, but living in the N.E.S.T base had it's perks. Number one is that she gets to see and talk to huge ass robots everyday! And two she gets to see her crush. The one and only Bumblebee. When Lori first met Bumblebee, it was certainly NOT love at first sight, but she did think he was adorable. As their friendship grew, so did her feelings for him. Little did she know he held the same feelings towards her.

As Lori walked down the halls of the large base, she would walk past soldiers and give them a curt nod as a 'hello'. Then she arrived to the place she hung out at the most, the Autobot's hanger. Luckily she and some other soldiers were only welcomed in the bot's hanger. Great right!

Anyways, Lori made her way in the large room, seeing a few of the bots. She saw Ironhide, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Bumblebee himself. Of course the two made eye contact first. Usually it was super awkward, but today, it was different. As their eyes connected, their was a indescribable feeling in the air between the two.

It was like... Some sort of need. Then Bee gave her a look, a look that made her lower region tingle slightly. Lori gave Bee the same look back, and holy shit balls, the poor bot almost fell to the floor. Lori could see he was different, but she didn't mind, she like it. A LOT. And she didn't know why.

"Hey Lori." Ironhide said in his usual gruff voice, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Hey Hide' what are you guys up to?" Lori asked, her eyes contact leaving Bee's, looking at the rest of the bots.

"Nothing much, but Bee has a little mission and he needs someone to go with him." Hide' said with a smirk.

Lori snorted "What do you need me for Bee?" She asked looking up at the yellow bot.

"He just needs company, so he isn't alone." Sideswipe butted in, also giving his own smirk.

"Ummm ok I guess I can go. Nothing else to do." Lori said giving a shrug and smile to her crush.

Bee only transformed, leaving his passenger door opened for Lori to let her in. As soon as Lori got in, he shut and locked the door, then waited patiently for her to get buckled up. Then they were off.

"So Bee what mission are we going on?" Lori asked, breaking the unusual non-awkward silence.

"No mission-" Bee replied through his radio.

Lori looked at his radio confused "What? Where are we going?"

"Private- Place-" Bee said, ending the conversation quickly.

Lori didn't press further, but her curiosity grew greatly, wanting to know what this 'private place' was. As Lori looked out the window, she thought about how she and Bee met. Knowing it was such a silly way to meet.

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