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During my lunch time at school, I went to the library to do some research on Alex Torror. The librarian let me borrow some newspapers about him and her copy of last year's yearbook. I didn't know who he was since I can really careless about the school right now, but he is my next victim so I must know who I'm dealing with. I didn't want to attack and struggle with him. I want to get him when he least expects it. That and I bet he doesn't know who I am. It wouldn't be pleasant if he did.

I sat in the back of the library, secluded from the others that were doing homework and last-minute studying, and leafed through the yearbook until I found a picture of him and Cora hugging when they were crowned Prom King and Queen. Alex has bronze skin and black spiky hair. He has a build body and his height showed it. For a football player, he looks rather too camera-friendly, probably another cover up of hiding his ugly soul.

Since I wreaked Cora's face and burned her alive, I thought about approaching Alex in a different way. He's locked up and surrounded by policemen in a low secured area. I think if I attack him at night while some doughnut-eating pig sleeps on the job, I can finally avenge Adam.

Just thinking about it gave me goose bumps!

"You look too happy."

I got startled by the voice, then realized it came from that newcomer. He was seated uncomfortably close to me. "Is he going to be your next kill?"

I slammed the book close. "What are you talking about? Better yet, how can you see through those stupid sunglasses?"

"I'm talking about that guy you're going after. And don't I look good with these on?" He tilts his head down and moves his glasses to the tip of his nose. His eyes were a mixture of green, blue, and brown.


His shocked expression amused me. I guess he's not used to rejection. He took off his sunglasses and broke it in half with one hand, making a loud snap of the plastic echo throughout the library. "Humph! I never did like them."

I shook my head at him. "If so, why did you wear them?"

"To impress you."

"Whatever." I eased my chair away from him, but he only drew his chair closer. I noticed he wore all black again and wore a pink tie with hearts all over it. His black hair hung down all over his shoulders. If he wasn't a creep and being annoying, he would actually look really attractive. But there was NO way in Hell he was going to hear that from me.

"Go away", I ordered.

"No can do, Princess." He smiles.

"Why not?"

"Because..." he rises from his chair and holds the back of mine as he drew closer to my face, "I'm drawn to you." I could smell apple and spice on his breath. The way he was so close to me made him look intimidating and alluring. Even the way he just spoke to me gave me chills. It didn't cross my mind that he would hurt me and I knew it was impossible to do so. But when I tried to push him away yesterday, that impact made my arms sore and he wasn't affected at all.

His intimidating stare looks as if he was silently telling me he was my equal, that he could harm me if he wanted to.....but it looked like it was possibly seeing my frighten face through his eyes. Just what is he?

"Do I scare you?" he whispered.

"N-no." My voice trembled.

"You lie, Princess." He laid his forehead on top mine. "You lie."

If it wasn't for my mental slap in my brain, I wouldn't have known he would try to kiss me. With that, I leaned back as far as I could on in my chair, inching away from his face. "Just who do you think you are?"

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