Chim-chimery ninth: Compete

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"We're actually here! You can do this Yuri! We'll cheer for you from the audience! Good luck Minami and Otabek too!" Minnie grinned.
   "We should hurry so we can get good places." Yuuri suggested and the teens that weren't competing nodded. "Minami and Otabek, aren't your coaches coming soon?" He turned to the two other boys.
   "They should be here any moment now." Viktor answered. He knew both coaches and had been in contact with them already before the competition. "Have fun watching dear." Viktor gave Yuuri a quick kiss before he and the teens walked away. "Yurio, do you remember your routine?" Viktor turned to his son.
   "Yeah yeah, don't worry so much papa." Yuri tried to sound tuff but the nervousness and distractedness could easily be detected in his voice.
   "There you are! Viktor, Vicchan, Vik, my man! How long has it been?" Viktor turned to the familiar voice and smiled.
   "Chris! Too damn long if you ask me!" He hugged his best friend. "Now we only need to wait for your coach Minami." Viktor smiled at the blond who smiled back.
   "Wait... Is Chris Otabek's coach?" Yuri gasped when he realised what that had to mean. Chris nodded as he laid a fatherly hand on the older boys shoulder. "That's a ... weird combination." Viktor shrugged and Yuri accepted it without a fight. Chris was one of the best skaters after all, everyone knew that.
   "MINAMI! VIKTOR! YURI! CHIRS! OTABEK!" A familiar yell reached them from the other side of the room where the doors were. Phichit ran toward them and, per tradition, taking a selfie was the first thing he did when he finally reached them. "I've missed you all so much!" Phichit went around giving a big hug to each and every one of them exchanging small greetings.
   "But you saw me yesterday!" Minami reasoned.
   "And that's too long ago. Yuri how you've grown! You look so beautiful, I didn't almost recognise you. Not that you weren't beautiful before. It's just that your feminine side is showing more now and it's gorgeous!" Phichit rambled, as he usually did.
   "It's good to see both my uncles again." Yuri smiled and Phichit ruffled his hair gently. Both Phichit and Chris had played huge parts in his life.
   "Uncles?" Otabek asked. Had he missed something?
   "Well yeah, not by blood but that's what I've always called them since they are both my fathers' best friends." Yuri explained. They chatted for a moment but had to stop since the competition was about to start.


"Congratulations Otabek! I knew you could do it!" Chris bubbled with excitement. "Congratulations Yurio too!" Chris hugged both boys at the same time.
   "Well done indeed!" Phichit marvelled.
   "Minami didn't do bad either." Yuri commented with a faint blush on his cheeks.
   "It wasn't my best performance but at least I know what to work on right now." Minami smiled.
   "HEY GUYS!" Minnie came running with Miranda hanging behind her. "Congratulations everyone!" She gave them all a big group hug and Miranda joined in too. Guang-Hong, Leo and Yuuri followed after them and congratulated them too. Otabek was in the lead for the moment and Yuri was in second. Minami was fifth, but only a few points behind the fourth skater. They all seemed to be really good and it had been quite fun to have proper competition. Now they had to wait until the next day for the free skates.
   They all decided to go eat together, hoping they'd find a place where they all could fit. They ended up having to split so the adults went to eat t one place and the teens went to another place.
   "So what's up? We haven't seen each other in way too long! When was it last time?" Chris asked as he sat down.
   "A year or two I think? I think it's since you started coaching Otabek." Phichit sat down next to him and Viktor and Yuuri sat down on the other side.
   "How has it been? I've missed my best friend." Viktor asked as the waitress handed them the menus.
   "It's been a lot of fun, I must admit. I've learned a lot from this boy and I must say he's very talented." Chris smiled. "He's a sweet boy and..." He was cut off by Phichit's phone ringing.
   "Sorry, this will be quick." He quickly answered. "Hey babe. We're eating. Yes, I'm going to tell them. Don't worry about it and get some rest, you're still sick. Yes. I love you too, see you in a few days. Bye dear." Phichit put the phone away and turned back to his friends who were all looking expectantly at him. "What?"
   "So? You have something to tell us?" Yuuri leaned closer. "What have you not told us?" His voice wasn't mad, simply curious.
   "Well you know I've been going out with Seung-gil for a while right?" Phichit asked.
   "Yeah it's been around half a year I think, and?" Yuuri wanted to know everything.
   "Well we found out we're each other's soulmates a few months ago. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. But it was fun to keep it between us two, our own little secret. But now it was time to tell you because..." Phichit took a deep breath. "He proposed a few days before we had to leave for this competition!" Phichit took off the glove he had been wearing up until now and showed the silver ring with a small jewel on the top.
   "I'm so happy for you two!" Yuuri jumped up and ran around the table to give his best friend a big hug. "It's beautiful!" Phichit laughed and hugged him back.
   "It looks like you." Viktor said with a huge smile on his face as Yuuri sat down again.
   "Congratulations Phichit!" Chris flashed him a giant smile, but a hint of sadness made it's way through his facade.
   "That reminds me, Chris." Viktor turned to his best friend. "Have you found them yet?" Viktor didn't have to explain, all four of them knew who he was talking about.
   "Not yet." Chris sighed. "It's like every time I get a little closer to finding them they suddenly disappear again." He looked down at his lap.
   "Don't worry Chris, you'll find them soon. I'm sure of it." Viktor tried to comfort him. "We do know they like skating too so maybe they're here for the competition? We can look for them together if you want?" Viktor offered and Yuuri and Phichit nodded.
   "That would be nice, but let's not get our hopes up too much. I don't think I can take too many disappointments anymore." Chris gave them a small smile.
   "Don't worry, we will do our best." Phichit assured him. "I've got all my followers who can help if you want to?"
   "No please, I want to keep this as private as possible." Chris chuckled. The waitress came back with a bottle of water.
   "Are you ready to order?" The waitress smiled kindly.



Also THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR 5.5K READS! This is insane! I love you all so much! <3 How are you today? I hope you're all well!

Ziefa ^-^

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