Chapter 2

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I arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place at around 2 am, on a Tuesday.

It was tricky at first to find it, but eventually I figured out that it was under the Fidelius charm. I tried my best, and got it to reveal itself. As the buildings separated I notice the colour of the brick to be darker and slightly decaying. I almost turned away, thinking it was a trap, but stayed because if it wasn't, I didn't want to be the one who turned away from Sirius Black and the Order. I walked up to the door, and knocked a couple times. I waited a bit, until a small, weak looking house elf answered the door. He said nothing and just let me in.

"The master is in the kitchen." he said in a crackling old voice.

"Thank you." I practically whispered.

The walls of the house were old and worn, the floor creaked as I walked on it. The house elf lead me down a dark hallway to a long kitchen room. It was lit with hanging lamps and in the middle was a long wooden table. On the wall was a shelving unit full of plates and cutlery. A man sat at the end of the table with the Daily Prophet covering his face.

 "Your guest is here, sir." spoke the house elf.

"Thank you Kreacher, now scurry off." the man said from behind the paper.

The house elf ran out, as fast as he could. The man put down the paper to show his face. He was somewhat tall, thin with dark brown about-shoulder length hair. His facial was very precise, a mustache and small goatee. He wore a brown pinstripe jacket with a navy blue patterned vest and dark blue dress shirt, as well as dark pants. He was quite handsome, however you could feel that his eyes had seen a lot.

"Charlie!" he said greeting me like an old friend. He started towards me and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly he wrapped is arms around me, hugging me tightly. At first I was frozen, but I hugged him back. 

"Hello Sirius!" I said, almost in his same tone. We pulled out of the hug, and looked at each other for a moment. We made solid eye contact for a bit, our eyes locked. A smirk appeared on his face, and his eyes darted down at his feet. He went from outgoing to shy in just a moment. 

"It's so nice to see someone who is related to Harry, even though you...erm.. don't really know him." he said confidently, then contradicting himself.

"It'll be nice to see him - you know, family." I said calmly. 

"So, the rest of the Order won't be coming for a couple weeks, I invited you early because - well since you're new I figured you'd need to start out slow and learn what we are really doing." he said.

"Okay, fair enough." I replied laughing a bit, mostly because I was nervous. He was intimidating in an odd sort of charming way that was hard to describe. I really could not get over how handsome I thought he was.

We spoke of the Order for a bit. Then, we begun to talk about ourselves. He told me all about Azkaban, and what is was like in there. We spoke of Hogwarts and the fond memories we shared. He told me that for a Slytherin, it was surprising how much he enjoyed my presence. I was quite a liberal individual, as I was for Muggle born wizards and witches. 

After a long night of conversation, it was about 3 in the morning. I was completely exhausted. Sirius personally showed me to my room. It was right beside his, so if I ever needed anything he'd be close by. 

"Goodnight." he said like there was only one person in the world. He tucked a stray stand of hair behind my ear and rested his hand on my shoulder. It was like for a moment I thought something was going to happen, I suddenly snapped out of it.

"Um.. goodnight, Sirius." I said looking at him with eyes of wonder and excitement. His hand lifted to my cheek and he smiled.

We walked into our respective bedrooms and went to sleep feeling very alive. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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