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"My lord, we have now arrived at Alphys' house." Stated papyrus as he squats down so his little brother can get off of him. "WELL TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH MY WORTHLESS BROTHER. BUT ATLEAST I LOOKED MIGHTY AND HIGH!" said sans' proudly as he poses.

(A/N: yeah... high on drugs.)

Papyrus smiled slightly seeing his brother happy. He didn't care if he had to go through a lot of hardships as long as his brother is happy and well he doesn't care about anything else.

And with that said sans turned his heels and walked away. Papyrus sighed and bowed slightly. "I shall take my leave then." And in a split second he was gone from thin air.

Papyrus then ended up teleporting somewhere in the city. He walked around with his boney hands in his pockets, not really having an idea on where he should go. He wanted to actually have a place to eat his take outs from Muffet's. After walking around for a while he then spotted a bar. And that bar happens to be the bar of a friend of Sans. What was his name again? Oh yes, it was Grillby.

Back then in the Underground he was one of the best bartenders who could really put on a show while also making the drinks really good. They were too expensive though. But when he met Chara and got got out of the Underground, he started to make the drinks affordable for everyone.

After thinking for a bit he decided to go and check it out since his brother also recommended him to visit it.

He opened the glass door as the bell chimed. Inside had dim lights giving the place a really night-like atmosphere.

*insert picture here*

There were a few people there, some of them were playing cards or any other board game. And others just chatted away with their alcoholic drinks. It wasn't really crowded since it was still day time. It will probably be packed around sundown to night when people have just finished a day of stressful work.

Papyrus casually waltz to the counter as he sat comfortably on one of the chairs.

The one that was behind the counters was a girl, she had (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin. She was wipping one of the beer cups. She then noticed Papyrus' presence and she greeted him with a smile, "Hello there. I haven't seen you around here so you must be new." She said as she puts down the cup she was wipping and leaned onto the counter eyeing at papyrus with a soft smile.

"Well obviously I am new since you haven't seen me around." Replied papyrus as he smirked a bit. The girl was first speechless at what he said but she soon laughed a bit. "You got me good right there bone head." She laughed a bit more before continuing, "So wat'cha want?"

"Hmm... a Manhattan will do my dear." He replied as the girl stared at him annoyed.

She then sighed and looked at him "Jesus Christ, if you start calling me some cringey pet names I'm gonna fucking kick you in your non existant crotch, ya bastard." She said threateningly as she glared at him.

'Ooh, fiesty.' Said papyrus in his mind stunned a bit. This will be quite interesting.

"(Y/n), that's not a propper way to treat the customers."

The girl and papyrus turned to the source of the voice seeing a young man that resembled the girl.

(You guys are honestly playing as one of my OCs, her name is Xelia, you can use that as her name if you want or you can just use your own name. And she can be any look you want her to be.)

"Just because the boss isn't around you're just going to straight up threaten the customers." Said the guy sternly with a cold expression as he glared at (y/n).

"Jesus Christ Zillbutt, I was just joking around."

"First off don't call me Zillbutt, it's Zillion, and second of all, you're delaying the customer's order, now get back to work." And with that said he turned his heels and walked away from the counter. (Y/n) groaned and went back to work.

"Hm... interesting relationship." Papyrus commented as he stared at Zillion who is now tending to the other customers.

(Y/n) smiled a bit and laughed lightly "Hah... yeah... we argue a lot. Siblings always do that anyway. And he's basically my other half, or other's may say it as my twin brother."

"Well I noticed that."

"Hah... and I thought skeletons didn't have eyes." (Y/n) smirked lightly.

"And you are correct. We don't have eyes." Said papyrus right back at her. The girl looked at him surprised before saying, "Really?" She stared at Papyrus with a smug look but papyrus' calm expression never changed.

"We use magic honey pot." (Y/n) was surprised for a second before she stared at him blankly. She sighed, leaned on the counter, looked at papyrus eye to eye before punching him hard on the shoulder.

Papyrus was honestly a bit surprised. Since for a girl... her punches were hard.

(Y/n) smirked on the look of papyrus's face. She stood back up witha contented look on her face as she says, "So you wanted a Manhattan right? Coming right up bonehead."

She started to combine whiskey, vermouth, and bitters in a cocktail mixing class. She added some ice and stired it until it was chilled. She then strained it into a chilled cocktail glass. She garnished it with a maraschino cherry. And served it just like that.

"Enjoy~" she says as she smiled staring at papyrus. Papyrus smiled right back at (y/n) and replied, "Thank you sugar plum."

(Y/n)'s smiling face turned into a frown imedietely. She grabbed a piece of ice and threw it right at papyrus' eye socket.

Papyrus almost fell over from the force as he felt the cold ice inside his skull.

"Ah, feels like snowdin." He said still having his calm expression. (Y/n) pouted a bit and just started to just throw pieces of ice right inside papyrus' eye sockets in boredom. Papyrus didn't mind at all and just let her do that as he sips his drink and eats the spider doughnuts he bought from Muffet.

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