Chapter 1 : Help!

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I sigh another day on the streets of Ireland I check my watch hmm 3am I'm surprised nothing had happened yet I yawn I mean I know I'm a spy but I still get tired I'm currently on a mission to find any criminals I can spot and bring them to justices! I lay down and sigh "not much work tonight (u/n)" I think to myself and just as I think that I hear a cry for help I jump onto the next building peeking down getting my glasses and closing in on them I roll my eyes just some 20 year old wanting something I jump down and land beside them "what seems to be the problem" I say bored because I've seen this so many times the woman speaks up trembling "this man! Tried to steal my purse!" She says clearly annoyed I shake my head "you have nothing better to do?" I ask clearly bored he grumbles I roll my eyes and bring him in "thank you" the woman thanks me I nod smiling as I call the police and wait "you're going to regret this~" the way the man says it makes chills go down my spine I just shake it off of course he would try to scare me he surprises me when he speaks up again "what's you're name sweetheart?" I don't reply "will I'm anti" anti says smirking I sigh "(u/n)" I say showing no emotion what so ever he chuckles "let me go and you'll be safe~" anti says looking at me I roll my eyes "nice try-" before I can even say anything else he breaks the hand cuffs and pins me to the wall "I told you~" I shake in fear "what the fuck are you!?" I whisper/yell "for me to know and you to find out~" anti forces my back against the wall his body against mine I gasp he chuckles "mmm , now kitten this won't hurt~" he whispers putting his lips on my neck I squirm and try to get away but it's not use I yelp in pain but it's muffled as I feel his razor sharp teeth sink into my neck "s-stop" I moan a little in pain but a little in pleasure because he's sucking my sweet spot he pulls alway licking his lips I blush majorly "tell anyone and I'll make sure to ruin your life~" anti whispers in my ear I just nod still shaken up he chuckles and vanishes not long after I hear sirens I huff and climb on top of the building peeking over the edge "hello" a cop calls I sigh feeling bad mainly because it's my job! but there was no way I was gonna be able to explain what happened I lay there for a few more seconds not long after they pull away I sigh in relief and jump off the building climbing down the side of it walking back to my house I pull out my phone and play
(s/n) - (song choice) I hum along to the words finally knocking on my door I turn off my music putting my phone in my back pack *creak* the door opens "what the fuck!?" Dad screeches I sigh "I was 10 minutes late" I say defecively "I don't care get you're ass upstairs!" He yells pulling me inside slamming the door "what's up your ass?" I ask being my usual smart ass self "not in the mood (u/n)" dad says annoyed as he looks at mom "fine" I say and put my hands up in surrender "hey sweetie how was work?" Mom asks well so much for that from dad I think bitterly "oh yeah know the usual" I reply mom nods and sighs "me and you're mother wanted to know if it's okay if we go out?" Dad asks I face palm and smile cockily "I'm not you're parents" I say joking but mom and dad don't take it as a joke I roll my eyes "yes I'll be fine" I say mom nods as they go to get ready my cat comes over to me running against my leg "aww hi storm" I rub behind her ear storm purring loudly not long after I smile and go over to the fridge to get something I choose
(f/c) - (food choice) and smile happily as I sit down and eat it "we won't be back till *pause* 3" mom calls "isn't that late" I say with no care at all really "just don't do anything stupid!" Dad yells as they leave "thanks for the advise" I yell back sarcastically I huff and hear the door shut making me jump in surprise "meow" storm meows I look down at her "you hungry?" I ask she purrs rubbing against me I smile and get her food pouring it into a bowl I put my dishes in the sink and sigh getting prepared to go out to well I guess you could say 'quote on quote' fight crime I'm still kinda shakin' up from the interference with anti I rub my thumb over the teeth wounds I wince and pull my thumb away 'fuck , how did they not notice that' dad would've killed me so I'm glad they didn't and yeah yeah I know what you're thinking I just went out almost got- whatever that was and all but I don't- never mind! I sigh and get changed I always change just incase anyone notices or recognizes me I really don't need that I walk out the door , shutting and locking it I shiver feeling cold "huh? No wind" I whisper to myself shrugging zipping my hoodie zipper up I climb up the side of the buliding doing the same thing I do every single night which is boring let's be honest but I get 300$ a night I guess it's cool for that part I sit down keeping myself down so nobody well notice me I hear footsteps I turn around jumping a little stand up to face anti!? "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I say honestly annoyed I mean come on I don't know this guy- thing and he follows me so fucking far!! He chuckles "I'm not following you and you'd better watch you're pretty little mouth sunshine~" he says looking me up and down I shake a little ugh that fucking voice gives me horribly weird chills can he fucking read minds or something!?!

Antispeticeye x reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя