The Crash

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"HAKUNA MATATA!! AIN'T NO PASSING PHRASE!! IT MEANS NO WORRIES FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!!" Mark, Ethan, Tyler, and Amy belt out one of their favorite Disney songs to sing. They were having a blast as always. The sun was shining on the highway in front of them, making it hard for Tyler, who was driving, to see. He suddenly swerves, which surprises the rest of the gang. "Watch it Tyler!" Mark says. "You almost got us killed," he says this in a silly voice, obviously not fazed as much as the others. Amy clutches Mark's arm and Ethan has a scared look on his face.

"Sorry. There's a lot of glare," responds Tyler. He is genuinely sorry for endangering his friends lives. Amy's hand slides from Mark's arm down to his hand. The car goes dead silent.

But then, right when Ethan turns up the music again, and everything seems okay, the group of friends hears a blast. And then, a wave. There are screams, and blood.

"Mark!" Amy screams her boyfriends name. There is no response. She finds herself many feet away from the car. It's torn to shreds. Blood is everywhere, but there is no evidence of a crash. Just a minute ago she and her friends were driving to PAX South. What happened? Amy thinks.

She sees Mark lying thirty feet away from her, covered in blood. His right arm is bent at on odd angle, causing Amy to cringe and turn away. Tears stream down her face as she crawls towards her boyfriend. Based on the fact that they were both sitting in the backseat, and that Marks injuries were much worse than hers, Amy concludes that the blast came from the left side of the car, where Mark was sitting.

She reaches him. "Mark, Mark, please wake up." She stroked his face but he doesn't stir. No one is around to help. They were the only ones on the highway. Amy holds onto Mark. Refusing to let him go. It does matter to her that both Ethan and Tyler are injured. But Mark is her priority. She can't live without him. He is her soulmate. She buries her face in his blood-soaked shirt as she cries and soon falls asleep.

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