Capturing the ambassador

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The two decided to stay in a town just outside of Dublin to plan their strategy. Rin will request a private meeting with the ambassador, who is known for his love of pretty girls, and use a special drug that Zero made to make him fall asleep. Afterwards Rin will use some of the pockets in her dress to take any documents that look important after signaling to Zero through an open window. Rin will then carry the sleeping ambassador down to the back door, where Zero will be waiting to help put the ambassador into the wagon, they will set him in a stack of 'wool' as Zero leaves with him. Rin has to go back to alert the guards that he is missing so she isn't suspected. She will then meet Zero in the forest outside Dublin so they can head to the drop off place.

"Why do I have to wear this dress? It's so constricting!" complains Rin as Zero helps her put on the dress.

"Because it'll make your womanly features stand out more and make the ambassador be more attracted to you while hiding your tail. No taking off the hat either." says Zero as he finishes tying up the dress. Rin roll her eyes and sits down so Zero can help her put on her shoes. Zero puts the shoes on her and helps her up as she complains about how the dress is choking her. The heels on the shoes made her as tall as him. Now that Rin could get a good look at his face, Zero was handsome. His green eyes seem to compliment his dirty blonde hair that was scraggly. She wondered if a human like him could love a monster like her. Rin mentally slaps herself, human don't love monsters. Rin walks around a bit to get used to the dress and the shoes, along with getting those thoughts out of her head, before Zero puts the hat on her.

"Have I said how much I hate this dress and how I'm gonna suffocate because of the corset?" complains Rin.

"You haven't stopped. Now hold still so I can brush your hair and get the hat in place."

Rin stays still and lets him brush all the knots in her hair out, and lets him put the hat on her. Once the hat was in place she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Is that me?" mumbles Rin as she twists around while looking at herself.

"It is." replies Zero as he smiles softly at her as Rin messes with the dress a bit more before turning to him.

"What am I gonna tell them? I won't be let in just because I'm wearing this dress. I'm not even that pretty." asks Rin.

"Say you are here in place of his next client." replies Zero as he hands her some papers on the ambassador's client who happened to be sick at the moment.

"Let's get this over with so I can breathe normally again." Rin says as she walks past Zero after looking over the papers before heading outside to the ambassador's building.

Rin was welcomed in once the ambassador laid his eyes on her. Zero watched her go in from outside before getting the wagon into place. In the ambassador's office Rin was talking with the ambassador, whose name was Kyle, and trying not to kick him where it hurts whenever he flirted her. Soon he had to excuse himself for a little bit, so she used that time to slip the drug into his drink before going over to the window and opening it. She stayed near the window to make it look like she was getting fresh nighttime air. When the ambassador came back she pretended to hum a tune, the tune was to signal to Zero to wait at the back door. Zero goes to the back door unnoticed. Rin keeps talking with the ambassador who is now falling asleep in his chair. Once he was asleep Rin throws him over her shoulder and goes to the back door. Zero helps her hide the ambassador in the wool, then she goes back inside.

"Ambassador? Ambassador Kyle!" yells Rin to make the guards come in.

"What's wrong miss?" asks one.

"The ambassador is gone! I was looking out the window while talking with him and now he's gone!" replies Rin while looking panicked.

"We'll find him miss, you go home and we'll come get you in the morning to ask more questions."

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