Escape and End

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Rin wakes up first and sees Zero laying next to her tied up. Rin tries to sit up, but she is tied up as well, so she scoots over to Zero and uses her ear to tickle his nose to wake him up. Zero wakes and tries to get up as well, but in the end he was able to get himself to sit up. He scoots towards Rin's hands so she can cut the rope with her claws. Once the rope is cut, Zero unties Rin then unties his ankles. Rin and Zero look around to see that they are still in the cabin, they also hear voices outside. Zero slowly gets up along with Rin and both quietly walk towards the door. Rin puts an ear on the door and listens to the conversation outside.

"-Not important, we have the ones we want, let's get rid of the boy. He isn't gonna be any use to us."

"If we get rid of him right away she'll go on a rampage and neither of us are going to leave here alive! Do you want a repeat of last time?!"

The men outside the cabin continue to argue as Rin thinks over the conversation. It suddenly hits her, the last rampage she went on was when she escaped the lab. Many had died by her hands that night, but she couldn't control herself. She could remember every face of each person she had killed, she still gets nightmares because of them. Without knowing Rin had started shaking, she didn't hear Zero talking to her or feel him shaking her. Zero was starting to panic, the only time Rin became like this was whenever something reminded her of her past or when she was having nightmares. Zero knew that whatever they were talking about had to do with Rin's past. Zero hugged and whispered calming words into her ear to calm her down. Rin started calming down after a bit, she hugged Zero and wouldn't let go.

"Rin, we need to get out of here once you are calm, and you might need to calm down kinda fast. For now I want you to listen to me and no one else. I'm going make a small bomb with the gun powder they forgot to take from me, and throw it outside near the back of the cabin. Once the bomb goes off you break down the door and go to the horses. Get on one and I'll be right behind you. I'll get our important stuff from the wagon, so grab me one of the horses. We can't let them take your swords or my research papers, and we also need the money I have stashed in there. Ok?" Zero whispers to her.

Rin nods and lets go of him. Zero smiles at her before crawling around and grabbing things to make a bomb. Rin goes over the plan in her head to distract herself from the conversation between their captors. Zero goes to the back of the cabin and holds up a hand for the count down. Rin gets ready to kick down the door. 3....2...1... BANG! The bomb exploded, causing the captors to run in that direction. Once they were gone Rin kicks down the door before she runs to the horses as Zero goes to the wagon and grabs their stuff. Rin gets on one of the already saddled horses and grabs the other one for Zero, she then rides them over to the wagon where Zero is waiting. Zero quickly separates the baggage between the horses and goes to get on his. As Zero was getting on, the captors came back and started shooting at them. Zero jumps on and gets shot in the arm. Zero winces but makes the horse go full speed along with Rin. The two are able to get away and stop near a river under a huge willow tree. Rin gets off her's and ties it up before helping Zero, who has lost a lot of blood, off his and ties Zero's horse up. Zero sits against the tree while Rin goes through the bags looking for the med kit. Once Rin finds it she goes over to Zero and starts cleaning the wound.

"You need to take out the bullet then clean the wound." pants Zero.

Rin nods and takes out tweezers. She tries to gently pull it out but it seemed to cause Zero more pain, so she counted to three and pulled it out quickly then cleans the wound. She dresses the wound and helps Zero take some pain medicine he made himself. Zero sighs as the pain fades.

"Remind me to make faster working pain medicine." says Zero as he tries to lighten the mood a bit.

"I will, as long as you don't put yourself in danger again."

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