Breaking In

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0 hundred hours
So why am I here exactly and why are you wearing the Justice League's costumes? " I questioned. "Well to be frank, you're the next generation Batman or Robin. Not 100% sure yet. And what do you expect us to wear?" Kara said as she surveyed the scene before her. The 'team' of them had teleported me to this place. As far as I could tell, we were on top of Lex Corp, the biggest company, in basically the world. Suddenly Hasna looked up. "Incoming!" She yelled. I had no idea what she was talking about, I mean it was a cloud-less night. All of the sudden there was guy flying!  "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" I heard. "Be a bit quieter Samson. You're gonna give us away." Kara hissed. "Sorry." He whispered. As we walked towards the staircase at the end of the roof, it came to me that I had no idea why we were here. "Hey. Um....Kara," I started "Why are we here?" "Hmm?" She said.  "Why are we here?" I asked overly pronouncing the vowels. "Oh to....... Pick up a team member." She said absentmindedly. We walked through the hallways surprisingly easily. Then I realized that Hasna had a violet force field around us. I slowed down and fell back to talk to her. "How ya holding up?" I asked. "Ehh" she replied. "You know how you feel before you throw up?" She asked. "Umm.. Yeah?" I said cautiously, slowly moving away incase she was going to throw up. "Well.......that's how I feel." She groaned and made a noise that sounded a lot like someone holding back throw up. I moved towards John just for caution. "Sooooo" I said to him. "So what?" He said roughly. I didn't know if he was going through something or what but wow was he moody. "Periculum De Vicinis Vigilate" Hasna randomly yelled. Suddenly Felix spun around so fast that I had to double check that he actually moved. "What is it?" He asked quickly. "I don't know but it's definitely hostile." Hasna answered almost as quickly. "Do you want me to go back to the computer room and get the security cameras knocked out?" John asked. "Yeah" Kara said with hesitation. So now it was just me, Kara, Samson, Felix, and Hasma. Suddenly the song "Everything is Awesome" came on. Kara fumbled around in her pocket and found the source of the music: her IPhone.  Samson started snickering, while Felix burst into a laughing fit. "Hello, this is Kara." She answered like we were doing perfectly normal things and not breaking into buildings. She then gave Samson and Felix death glares. "I got the code wrong!" I heard a panicked John scream into the phone on the other end. "The alarm is going to go off! You guys have to get out of there!" He added. By now, Kara looked like she had seen a ghost of Loki. "Hasna how are you and Felix doing at the time reversal spell?" She asked panicky. "It depends on your definition of well...." Felix answered, as Hasna was eyeing the corner probably for a spot to throw up. "Wait! I guys know this building! I interviewed the guy who owns it and took the tour!" I yelled optimistically. "Why didn't you say that before?!" Hasna angrily shouted at me. As she yelled an aura of translucent fire rose up from her shoulders. To say the least, I was scared and I may have wet my pants a bit. But by then guards were swarming us and we had no clue where to actually go. As they formed a strategic rectangle around us, I couldn't help but notice that they seemed pretty used to this. Were they trained? And if so,why? Why did Luthor train them to do war-like capture plans? As I looked around the blaring alarm that John had accidentally set off, it was pretty easy for them to release the red smoke from their guns.
0400 Hours 
How long had I been out? As I slowly got up I felt a severe pain in my hand, "oh right, I never got that healed." I thought. "Ugh" I groaned. As I looked around I did a head count, if I was the next Batman or Robin then I could at least try to be a leader. Let's see Kara,check. Hasna,check. Felix,check. Samson, check. Wait, where was John? Why wasn't he in here with us? Did he escape?  All the sudden I heard a electronic voice say "You did a good job". "For a human at least." I heard a electronic voice sneered. "Hey! I did what you asked." The other voice yelled back in defense. I didn't know where I remembered that voice from but I did. "We're aware of that. And  Headquarters texted us what you did." It recalled. "Unfortunately for you," it paused ominously,then continued "You're only halfway done." As I crawled towards the neon green glow of the bars that held us in this prison. I saw an outline of a teenager boy, in front of the boy was a giant screen that must have had a girth wider than 7 feet! As I looked closer I could distinguish a half eaten ring pop on the boy. 'Is that John? What do they mean halfway done?' I thought. Then a much more shocking thought occurred to me 'what if it's like in the new Star Wars and he's like Kylo Ren and has to kill us?!?!'. Let's just say that last thought made me as nervous as dog at the vet. As I heard footsteps pacing over to where I had been watching, I felt around as the only source of light had been the screen, which had been switched off. Go figure. "Hey bat brain." I heard a voice above me say mockingly. "I'm up here so you can stop withering down there." It said aggressively. As I slowly moved my head up, I noticed something that made me gasp like Simba after Mufasa's death. It was John! He was the one that had been talking to the screen dude! "Suprise!" He sang. "Wha..what..h-h-how?" I stuttered out. "Hmm, as much as I'd love to answer that burning question" he paused "You'll have to wait for the others to wake up" he said cheerily nodding his chin towards Kara, Samson, Hasna, and Felix at the back of the cell, all asleep. "And that might take a while". "But that just means more time for me to talk to you!"

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