Don't want to offend anyone but...

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Okay, I don't want to offend anyone, as the title says, but there are a few things I would like to say...
And if you feel the urge to curse, either say MEOW or turn your comment into a starry sky.

1. I'm mad about the reverse of the transgender bathroom thing. People in the bathroom, Trans or not, just have to pee. It is not that hard of a concept. The only people we should be afraid of in bathrooms are the Republican senators!

2. Feminazi. Feminazis do NOT EXIST.  Feminazi is a put down for feminists. If you think women and men are equal, you are not a Feminazi.If you think women are better than men, you are not a Feminazi. (The belief women are better than men is called misandry.) Many a time people have made fun of me for being a feminist. I started a petition saying we should celebrate Women's history month at school and now I'm the butt of many anti feminist jokes... Whenever I'm called a Feminazi I say, and if you are called one you should try this to, "Because wanting equal rights is the same as mass murder and invading Poland."

3. Homophobia and shaming NEEDS TO STOP. Homosexuality is not something you choose but homophobia is. Here are somethings I've heard people say to some of my friends AT SCHOOL OR ON THE BUS. 

"Gross? You're they one who is GAY."
"That's not something to be proud of."
"You're really GAY!? Ew."
"You like girls? Ew."
To name a few. If you see or hear something like this, stop it. Please we need to stop homophobia and shaming.

4. The Wage Gap. It exists. Especially for African Americans, Muslim Americans and Spanish Americans. (Notice I put American after all of those. Because we all are!) Please stop dening the wage gap. It is not fair or right that I'm worth 78 to 79 cents to my brother's dollar. It is not fair my Hispanic friend is worth 55 cents to my 78 cents! I'm afraid that Trump will make the Wage gap worse. I'm afraid he will reverse all of Obama's work.(Lily Ledbetter Act) I am afraid right now

5. 'A Day Without A Woman'. Omg yesssss this is going to be AMAZING. If you don't know; March 8 is going to be a women's strike. Women are asked to take the day off, to shop only at small women/minority owned businesses, and to wear red "in solidarity". So in Iceland about 20(ish) years ago, all the women went on strike and and now their government is the most equal in the world. So yeah, it's gonna be great.

6. To end on a positive note: HAPPY WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH!!

Sorry if I offended you with my "radical feminism". It must be 'that time of month'.

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