Another Semi Political Rant

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Hello. Don't want to be rude or anything with this, but if I offend you sorry. No cursing in the comments. Censor it!!! So I'm gonna start now.

1. Shout out to my fellow feminists at my school! Goldie56 who gave up her recesses for me LeaJamieLovegood a fellow marcher and tigerclaw_9 who signed my petition and have me a high five.

They are awesome and supportive. THANK YOU!

2. So you may know about my Women's history month petition. (It is in a previous chapter) The good thing is:IT GOT PAST! We are celebrating WHM!! The bad news (two things): One, I'm super stressed now because I'm in charge of it. So if you have ideas or women you want me to recognize comment please!!! Two: I'm going to call it bullying at this point. I've been picked on non stop by this group of boys. I end up crying at home a LOT. I've worked my behind off, and all they do is make fun of me. They are constantly chanting "Trump Trump Trump" just to annoy me. Here are some things they have said:
-Why do you hate men?
-Women have equal rights.
-Can I have a sticker? I like women. They're pretty.
-Wanna hear a joke? Women's rights.
-You're a feminist? (Wrinkles nose)

So before you call me a fragile snowflake: I can take critism! I actually appreciate it. But when you are just a jerk and want to make fun of me for being a feminist, that is when I get mad.

That's it for now! Bye!

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