Just My Luck

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Marley's POV


I grab my bag and keys. I take one last drink of my smoothie before rushing out my door. I'm already late. On the first day of class. Great.

My first class was English at 8:30. I use my directions to find my way to the building. There are no parking spots except for one right next to almost the exact same car as me. I pull up beside a black Jeep Wrangler; mine is the same except white. I run to my class, my bag falling off my shoulder.

I open the door and everyone in the class stops to look at me.

"I suppose you are Ms. Sinclair?" Professor Lee asks with a pointed expression.

"Yes that's me. Sorry I'm late." I apologize as I step into the classroom.

"I was just assigning everybody's partners for the rest of the semester."

I looked around. Everybody was already seated in pairs.

"Don't worry. He was also late so I will pair you two together. Go ahead, take a seat." She points towards a seat in the far back of the room. My stomach drops as I see who my partner is.

Grayson heaves a sigh as I sit beside him and place my bag on the floor.

Professor Lee starts our syllabus and summer reading discussion.

I feel an arm on mine. I look at Grayson.

"Listen, Marley. I don't know what got into me on Saturday. Alcohol, I don't know, but I'm sorry." He says. He looks ashamed.

"Yeah, me too. I get fiesty when I'm drunk and I was a total jerk." I smile softly at him.

"Friends?" He shines a toothy grin.

"Only because we're stuck together for the rest of the semester." I joke and smile back.

"So, do you play volleyball with Quinn? I haven't seen you at the gym." He sits forward and turns towards me.

"No I actually played soccer in highschool. I wanted to come here on a scholarship but I tore my ACL. Twice. After that I quit." I say, the pain of not playing still hitting hard.

"Oh," Grayson looks away, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I shrug, "I just really miss it sometimes."

"Yeah, I know the feeling of injuries."

"So, where are you from?" I change the subject.

"Florida. You?" He asks, taking a look at me.


"You're not from Atlanta like Quinn?" His face scrunches in confusion. He is so adorable.

"No my dad's side is from Atlanta, but my mom's-" I pause at the thought of my mom, "my mom's family is from the Northwest." I space out.

"You okay?" he questions, a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile, and we continue talking for the rest of class, completely missing the lesson.


"I'll see you later?" Grayson says as we reach the parking lot.

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you later," I smile and head towards my car.

Grayson follows behind me, probably just going to his car. Once I reach my car and he catches up to me, I turn and ask, "Are you following me?"

"Nope. Just walking to my car." he nods towards the back jeep beside mine.

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