Chapter 1- Long Time No See.

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Hello! So this is my first chapter, Dan isn't really in it until the end of it but I recommend you still read it because it kind of starts the story off, so enjoy!


Skye's P.O.V.

I scroll endlessly through Tumblr, basically re-posting everything. My laptop freezes as an incoming Skype call from Phil appears on the screen. I exit out of Tumblr and click to answer it, running my hands through my hair as his face appears on the screen.

"Skye!" He exclaims, his face lighting up.

"Phil!" I shout back, faking my enthusiasm and mocking him. He rolls his eyes at me but looks amused.

"So, how are you?" He asks me "Are you all packed?"

I look round at my now bare room, all my clothes and belongings are packed up in suitcases, all my posters and artwork from my fans are neatly placed into boxes.

I turn back to Phil and nod "Everythings all packed away" I inform him and smile.

"So will I come and pick you up in, say an hour?" He asks me, looking at his watch.

"Sounds good to me!" I reply and he grins, his prominent Adams's apple showing.

"We're just finishing up tidying out your room!"  He adds on and it just adds to my excitement! We say our goodbyes and I hang up the call.

I havn't seen my best friend Phil in a year, we visit each other at Christmas and birthdays but it's so much different now because we're living together! My rent is really expensive for my apartment and Phil's is really quite cheap. I'm so grateful him and Dan are letting me stay, I really am! I have never actually met Dan, I watch Phil's channel so the only videos I have ever seen of Dan are when he is sometimes in Phil's videos, and I listen to their radio show.

I do have my own youtube channel but it's not nearly as popular as Phil and Dan's! I have 1,560 subscribers but they have over a million each. I check my youtube channel and decide to make a video.

"Hello everyone!" I start.

"So this will be my last video in my apartment as in one hour I will be moving in with Dan and Phil! I am super excited but don't worry about my bear walls, i have all your beautiful artwork packed away ready to be put up in my new room! If I tell you a secret do you promise not to tell? I have never spoken to Dan before and I don't really watch his channel" I admit.

"So that's all really, I will leave the links for Amazingphil and Danisnotonfire, Phil and Dan's youtube channel's, in the description so make sure to subscribe if you havn't already! Byee!" I finish and save the video, deciding to edit it when I get to Phil's, Dan and Phil's.

Phil's P.O.V.

I am so excited for Skye to be living with us! I go through to her new-room-to-be and see Dan has mario on the tv and is sitting on the floor playing it, he is supposed to be tidying It out for her while I get everything else ready for her arrival.

"Dan!" I shout at him and he jumps, drawing his eyes from the game.

"What?" He barks at me, obviously annoyed at me for ruining his game and making him die.

"What do you think you're doing? Your supposed to be tidying it out for Skye, not playing all the games!"

The room used to be just where we stored our games and there was a tv that we sometimes used.

Dan rolls his eyes at me " I don't even know this girl, She's your friend, you should be tidying it out.

I sigh at him at kick at his side until he swears at me and finally turns the game off.

" I want this finished by the time I get back! And clean sheets on the bed" I tell him and he moans, he's so lazy!

It takes me half an hour to get to Skye's house if I take the tube, because I can't drive. I grab my keys and exit our apartment, jogging along to catch the tube.

Skye's P.O.V.

I hear the doorbell go and I run to get it, Phil is standing there, wearing a green checkered shirt and skinny jeans. He grins as do I and I pull him into a tight hug, he hugs me back tighter and we laugh.

"Come in!" I tell him and open the door wider for him. I lead him through to my room where all my belongings are and we both carry them out into the hallway. I take one last look at my now old apartment and shut the door quietly, locking the door and slipping the keys through the letterbox. We both carry all my things down the flight of stairs and sit them down on the kerb.

"We are not taking all this on the tube!" Phil says, I have never been on a tube before because I normally just get the bus but I wouldn't take all of this on a bus with me either.

Phil takes his phone out and dials for a taxi, turns out there is a taxi firm just around the corner that I havn't known about since now.

"So will your place be crowded?" I ask him, worried if I might start to invade his and Dan's personal space.

Phil shakes his head and laughs at me, "it is absolutely fine! We are so excited for you to live with us!" He exclaims, pinching my left cheek and reassuring me. The taxi comes racing around the corner and stops directly infront of us. The driver comes out, he is tall, taller than Phil and I. He smiles brightly at us and takes my bags out our hands, placing them neatly in the boot.

"That's a lot of bags, you immigrating?" He asks as we climb into the car. I fake laugh as it wasn't really that funny.

"No, I'm moving in with Phil here!" I explain, gesturing towards Phil who is sitting beside me. He looks at Phil through his mirror and smiles again.

"Young love eh?" Oh god!

Phil and I burst out laughing and the driver looks confused.

"Just friends" Phil says and then tells him his address. He starts the car and drives forward.

"So are you sure Dan's okay with me staying with you? Does he hate me? Does he watch my youtube channel? I mean it's okay if he doesn't I don watch hi-

I start to ramble but Phil stops me by putting his right index finger to my lips to quiet me.

"Dan is fine with you staying, no he doesn't hate you, and I don't think he watches your channel, at least if he does he hasn't mentioned it to me." Phil answers all of my questions.

I give him a quick hug, stretching across the middle seat.

"Are you sure?" I ask him one more time, holding him at arms length. Phil rolls his eyes and laughs a little. "Are you done?" He asks me and I start laughing. I start biting the skin of my nail, worrying about everything, I am normally very organised and when I upload videos I film them at a certain time, edit them at a certain time and put them on youtube at the same time every Saturday so if I get round to editing my video today, it will be up at 5 like it usually is. Phil knows how organised I am but he's kind of similar so it doesn't bother him.

He looks over at me and I know he knows I'm worrying.

"Stop it Skye! Dan is fine" He says but I'm not convinced, I know him to well, I know exactly how to get the truth out of him.

"Philip Lester! Tell me everything or I swear to god-

"Okay Okay!" He interrupts me, I saw him cringe when I called him Philip, he hates that,

"So Dan is being a bit moody lately, the thing with Dan is, you either like him or you don't. Yeah he seems nice and funny in videos, and don't get me wrong he is, but sometimes his sarcasm gets a bit to much, so yeah, you either like him or you don't" Phil explains.

I nod and rest my head back on the plush seats, I always thought Dan was quite good looking but he might not be as bad as Phil says, I will just have to wait and see.

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